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[Orchids & Onions] An image that's guaranteed to make you do a double take

Though we live in the YouTube age, it never ceases to amaze me how effective, and arresting, a still image can be...

Perhaps that's because we see so much video and so many moving images that our brains flick into "mego" (my eyes glaze over) mode when another moving picture flashes past. Who knows?

What I didn't expect, opening last week's Saturday Star, was to get smacked in the face by a bold, bright image. It was for Edgars and one of their sales.

It featured a stunning, wide-eyed, glasses-wearing young woman with an expression of amazement on her face.

It was one of those images that instantly stop you in your tracks - and I am not saying that from the typical male point of view. I'll bet everyone who turned that page stopped and did a double take.

With your attention successfully arrested - and your curiosity piqued - you couldn't help but engage with the words. They made you aware that this wasn't just any sale because they were not offering 30 percent off, or even 50 percent - but a "guaranteed 75 percent!"

It went on to say that these bargains were across a range of three million items.

The punchline - "You'll be left speechless" - was particularly apt.

I'm pretty sure Edgars stores were full on Saturday.

For the creative use of a stunning image, Edgars gets this week's Orchid.

[Orchids & Onions] An image that's guaranteed to make you do a double take
© Andres Rodriguez –

Less arresting, when it comes to images, are the ads on some of DStv's channels. Our favourite channel at the moment is Comedy Central (122) because we are watching reruns of top comedies like Everybody Loves Raymond and The Big Bang Theory.

But, my goodness, DStv - can you not spin a little variety into the ad breaks? Not only are the ad pauses way too long (more than five minutes in some cases), but they feature the same, mainly in-house ads again and again.

I do realise that it is difficult to fill in the space with clever house ads (and DStv has certainly done a few of those), but please shuffle them around - not only on the day but during the week.

The system seems to be two ad reel variations, which appear to run for the entire week.

The problem with doing plugs for comedy shows is that, although the clips may be funny, comedy has, by far, the shortest shelf life of any entertainment product. It quickly becomes boring, which in turn makes viewers irritated and then, when they have seen the same clip three times in 20 minutes, very angry indeed.

There's a mound of really good, funny stuff on Comedy Central - but for not utilising it fully for your promos, DStv, you get an Onion from me.

Mind you, we have your PVR and, because we often record shows, we can avoid most of the pain...

*Note that Bizcommunity staff and management do not necessarily share the views of its contributors - the opinions and statements expressed herein are solely those of the author.*

About Brendan Seery

Brendan Seery has been in the news business for most of his life, covering coups, wars, famines - and some funny stories - across Africa. Brendan Seery's Orchids and Onions column ran each week in the Saturday Star in Johannesburg and the Weekend Argus in Cape Town.
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