Speaker changes for Tony Koenderman's Brainstorm
Tony Koenderman's sixth annual Brainstorm Conference has announced that one of its original speakers, Paul Bannister, has been co-opted into the Haiti relief effort and has withdrawn from the conference.
Walter Pike, whose subject will be "Why almost everything you know about branding is wrong," will replace him. Pike argues that even the best ad agencies are totally lost in the always-on, always-connected world of new marketing.
Two additional speakers will participate in the discussion panel: Fran Luckin, ECD at Ogily, and Nikki Cockroft, CEO of Primedia Online.
The conference takes place at Southern Sun Grayston, Johannesburg, on Thursday, 21 October 2010. For more, go to http://tkbrainstorm.yolasite.com/ information or email Terry Barker at ten.asmoklet@mrotsniarbda.