Inspire hope, in your slippers
Reach for Your Slippers
The concept was developed by The Hardy Boys ad agency to help create awareness and generate funds for the foundation. The campaign is an annual initiative to encourage people to buy a sticker and wear their slippers to work or school for a day to show their support for children fighting life threatening illnesses.
The aim of the foundation is to inspire hope and encourage these children, to bring joy and laughter into their difficult situation, and help them believe that tomorrow is worth fighting for.
Here's how
All you need to do is buy a R10 sticker and wear your slippers to work, school, the shops - wherever - to show your support for Reach for a Dream. If you are unable to wear your slippers, then wear your sticker with pride. By doing this, you are helping to fulfill dreams for children in hospitals and homes across South Africa.
Join the rest of South Africa by wearing your slippers on Friday, 1 August 2014. Stickers are available from your local Wimpy, Hirsch's and Makro stores and your nearest Reach for a Dream branch.
To find out more about the campaign, other projects and the inspiring work of the Reach for a Dream foundation, visit If sticker orders are above 50, contact az.gro.maerdarofhcaer@tpcstneverp.