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Music Interview South Africa

#MusicExchange: Mark Haze and the cool factor we all want

Singer-songwriter Mark Haze is known for his wide vocal range and electric large live performances.
Image supplied: Mark Haze
Image supplied: Mark Haze

Haze skilfully delivers a signature combination of high energy Rock ‘n Roll and silky old-school Soul, fused with raw emotional Blues. He has new music out entitled I Wanna Dance With Somebody.

I caught up with Haze last week…

What is your job description?

Musician and producer

What does music mean to you?

It’s what starts, fills, and ends my day.
It’s what makes me get up for work every day.
It’s quite literally the soundtrack to my life.

My music is about…

Life. Mine, yours, other people. It’s about feelings, memories, dreams and thoughts … the good, the bad, the ugly - as well as the beautiful.

What is your motto?

I’ll sleep when I’m dead.

Fame is about…

… as useless as the ‘g’ in ‘lasagne’.

Retirement will happen when…

Pig’s fly.

I don't do…

Carbs (anymore).

I would love to co-write with…

Sting and John Bon Jovi

Where do you go for inspiration to create?

The coffee machines.

What is the most enjoyable aspect of your work?

Live shows. Nothing beats the feeling I get from performing in front of a crowd.

The song you must do during every show?

Can never leave out the hits like Wake Up (Dreaming of You)

Any funny moments on stage?

People often mistake me for Marco, the bassist from Prime Circle. They also think my name is short for Marco.

A few years ago, we were doing a show together, so at one of the gigs we decided to dress similarly and both wore our caps backward like he normally does and thought it’d be fun to mess with everyone.

Quite a few people spoke to me afterwards to ask how I handle my busy schedule of playing in both Prime Circle and having a solo career!

My heroes are…

Iron Man

My style icon is…

Adam Sandler. He makes baggy dad clothes and a beer belly look good.

Which living person do you admire most and why?

My wife, Shelley. She’s the only one who laughs at my jokes.

What is your most treasured possession?

It used to be my 2005 USA black Fender Stratocaster, but now I’ll settle for a full tank of diesel in the tour van … have you seen the fuel prices?

It's your round; what are you drinking?

PiƱa Colada by the pool. Whiskey every other time.

Dream gig to do?

Madison Square Garden in New York.

What makes you stand out?

Take a look!

Any nicknames?


If you were not a musician, what would you do?

Start a political party, promise the people everything, and sit back and watch the bank account grow.

Pick five words to describe yourself?


What are you streaming?

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Stranger Things, The Americans and The Simpsons

Greatest movie ever made?

SpongeBob SquarePants The Movie (Oscar-worthy viewing).

What song changed your life?

The Show Must Go On by Queen. Before that, I didn’t know that the show had to go on!

Who do you love?

Anyone who brings me coffee, and my family… most of the time.

What is your favourite word?


Top of your bucket list?

Make a bucket list - Write stuff on it!

What do you complain about most often?

How the toilet paper keeps disappearing in my house.

What is your biggest fear?

Sharks. Actually, hang on … taxes!

Happiness is…

Found between the notes of the song.

On stage, I tend to…

Forget lyrics of songs (even the ones I’ve written and sang for years).

The best life lesson you have learned?

When getting in the tour bus with your band, be sure to pack in toilet paper. Things happen…

What has been your favourite journey so far?

Being a dad has been a pretty fun and interesting ride – it’s never dull.

Do you do charity work, and if you do – what do you do?

I’ve been asked to be involved in various projects over the years. I’d like to have a hand in helping develop education more in our country. It’s the biggest factor in why corruption is so prevalent in our various cultures and governments. The more the population knows and understands, the harder it is for us to be taken advantage of.

Wishes and dreams?

That the fuel price returns to a more reasonable amount. To do more work overseas and have travel become simpler and easier again. To finally get my knee to stop cracking when I wake up and get out of bed. Oh … and world peace and the other stuff that contestants always say on the beauty pageants.

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About Martin Myers

Co-owner at Triple M Entertainment, founder Music Exchange, manager Sipho Hotstix Mabuse
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