The 'Death by Zoom' pandemic
Tiffany Markman 20 Jun 2022
How to build resilience as a freelancer
16 Nov 2021
Safrea launches annual Rates Survey
11 Oct 2021
Freelancing: What you need to know
Marisa Louw 22 Jul 2019
And the list goes on...
The problem is that almost all of these things, bar the last few, look and feel like work - or, at the very least, admin/marketing. As Seth Godin explains,
More and more, we're finding it easy to get engaged with activities that feel like work, but aren't. I can appear just as engaged (and probably enjoy some of the same endorphins) when I beat someone in Words With Friends as I do when I'm writing the chapter for a new book.
I dreaded getting started, so I made timing plans and designed project scope spreadsheets. With coloured cells. I mailed the client; I toyed with the first few phases of the prep. I did a million workish things that I didn't need to do, but that made me feel productive. I flailed about until it was vrek-urgent.
And as I contemplated unpacking the dishwasher, washing all the fruit in the house, pruning the basil plant and painting the nursery, I began to wonder about the things we freelancers do to put off certain projects. So I did what I always do when I have a bit of time on my hands. I opened the floor:
Others' outlets
This morning I was so desperate to avoid the two articles I have to write by Thursday that I finally got round to tidying my office - something I've been putting off for a year. Already thrown out two giant purple garbage bags of rubbish and have amassed a huge amount of recycled paper for my little one to draw on. I told myself it was because I was looking for the PIN/PUK codes for my two Vodacom modems, but in truth I just didn't want to face the day.- L
Tweeting. All my other non-deadline work. Invoicing. Meal planning, shopping, cooking. Absolutely have to make Nutella ice cream right now!- G
Play Scrabble or Word Twist online. Rearrange wines in my wine cellar; read Facebook (constantly); do exactly this... respond to non-essential, non-work-related emails so that I don't have to work...- N
Put on my running shoes and go for a hike. Plunge into household activities: doing laundry, brushing cat hair off couch, grocery shopping, baking muffins, or staring out the window in the hope that motivation hits me with a hammer.- M
The funniest thing I ever did - at varsity when I was supposed to be studying - was wash the leaves of an indoor plant with a wet lappie. It was only halfway through that I realised that it only seemed important because the alternative was to park my bum on the chair and study.- K
Internal distractions
Now, clearly, distractions are a big problem for the self-employed, self-managing freelancer - because they waste precious (billable) time.
But external distractions (arising from our environment: phone ringing, doorbell chiming, kid whining, fire starting) are pretty much out of our control.
The ones to worry about, the ones that kill me, are the internal distractions. The ones that I make up:
And these are the thoughts that start me off, so that I land up doing - or prepping for - every other non-urgent job on my books, except the one I should be doing.
The solution? To be completely honest, I don't know.
I guess I should only take on work I love, even when the money's fabulous. But the problem with that is that sometimes, I love the work I think I'm going to hate. Once I actually get going, and it starts to turn into something, that is.
So my plan is this:
As you've no doubt gathered, I wrote this piece rather than do something I'd been putting off. And I've taken considerably longer than the prescribed two minutes. So, off I go, to save the day. May you buckle down and do the same.