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The best and the worst...from Google's Top 10, to a really bum idea...

Whatever our field, there are campaigns, adverts, articles that we love to remember, and others we would rather forget. But no one will let us... There's even an idea for a few products you'd probably prefer to never use...(videos)

Let's take a look at some of the best and the worst, and in some cases perhaps the most pointless, pieces ever from around the world.

At least when you look at some of what follows you'll perhaps be able to say to yourself, "Well, at least what I did wasn't that bad..." On the other hand, you might look at it and ask yourself, "Now why the hell didn't I do that?!"


Greatest customer feedback ever sent to McDonald's

From: Chris Bucholz
To the Manager of McDonald's #9874: I am deeply sorry about what happened in your ball pit...

(Attribution: Julie Kertesz from Paris neighbourhood, France, via Wikimedia commons)
(Attribution: Julie Kertesz from Paris neighbourhood, France, via Wikimedia commons)

Note that this apology is offered genuinely and without coercion. Indeed, my legal council, Zeke, does not recommend I write this letter at all. "I strongly advise against that," he strongly advised. But it has always been my opinion that a sincere apology is the lubricant that oils the gears of civilisation, and so I stand here -- not literally in front of you, but figuratively in front of you (I'm literally in an undisclosed location) -- and apologise, thus keeping civilisation lubed.

On that note, I am sorry about all the lubricant that ended up in your ball pit. I'll get to that in due time.

Go on, read the rest of it... you won't regret it.

Good for a laugh

What could be better than one of the world's top singers serenading you... or worse than having the guy next to you in a sauna pay more than welcome attention to your sports section...

YouTube moments

2014 was chock full of YouTube moments that vaulted into pop culture. Some made us laugh, some made us ... well, not laugh.

Here's Poland's spider dog...

And see what it's like to walk the street for 10 hours as a woman in New York City...

Local is lekker... up to a point

South African favourites for 2014 included Julius Malema waking up Parliament...

Speaker Baleka Mbete saw red... and it wasn't only the EFF's outfits...

We also followed the Oscar Pistorius trial... and we seemed to become a nation of legal experts in the process with just about everyone with some legal opinion before the trial, during the trial, and now...after the trial...

More of the good, bad and ugly:

Going viral: The 20 Most Viral Ads of 2014
Infomercials gone bad: The Top 10 Worst Infomercials...
Marketing disasters: The five biggest disasters in the history of marketing
Moments, memes, and people that made 2014: YouTube Rewind 2014 Channel

Zapiro's best cartoons

Mail & Guardian: Top 10 Zapiro cartoons of 2014

About Rod Baker

Rod Baker is Content Director at A journalist since before computers, he worked on a wide range of magazines and, in his youth, rose through the ranks from being a lowly and abused sub-editor, to a high and still abused editor and publisher. He has been editor and publisher of a number of magazines, as well as a newspaper. He has edited many books, and written a number too. Email him at moc.ytinummoczib@dor.
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