Bus advertising reaches exclusive Cape Town areas
“We are proud to be associated with FNB for the upcoming World Cup,” said Simon Wall, sales director of Tractor Outdoor.
“The reach and exposure that these buses achieve is impossible to equal with a traditional billboard campaign. The buses travel not only directly past major points of convergence in the CBD like stadiums, hotels and retail zones, but also travel into hard to reach suburbs where billboards are simply not allowed. A great example of this is the highly sought after Camps Bay/Clifton promenade, where these buses travelled up and down repeatedly over the busy tourist season this year.”
“We have seen an unprecedented demand for our bus fleet in Cape Town, so much so that we have almost exhausted availability over the next few months,” said Corne Krige, one of the partners in this project.
Draftfcb Johannesburg designed the creative and the media agency was Media Compete out of Johannesburg.