McGregor hosts third poetry festival
One of the highlights will be the festival lecture given by Professor Louise Viljoen on Saturday morning in the NG Kerk. Billy Kennedy, who founded the McGregor Poetry Festival, said that he feels honoured to have some of our country's leading poets on the festival programme. He added: "We are also excited about new, talented poets that will be reading their work. Names to look out for include: Ansa Smit, Sisca Julius, Khadija Tracey Heeger, and Genna Gardini. Our theme is Growing Poetry, as we would also like to offer a platform at our festival for budding new writers. This year, a mentorship programme called Growing Poets has been launched to identify and assist budding young poets in the area. We are also running an open poetry competition to give everyone a chance to be part of this special 'gathering of words'.
The main venues will be the Wahnfried Concert Hall, the gardens of Temenos, Edna Fourie Gallery and the NG Kerk, as well as new venues - the D'Amphitheater and De Akker, the old town hall where the Fringe events will take place. Venues are all within walking distance of one another and have open fireplaces and comfortable, cosy seating.
Bookings are through Computicket. For additional information, contact festival organiser Jennifer Johnson on +27 (0)84 675 1164 or az.oc.lavitsefyrteoprogergcm@ofni