Online Media News South Africa

Travel booking online made easier

Price comparison engine recently launched HotPrice Travel, which enables consumers to compare airline, accommodation and car rental prices online. According to Daniel Martins, marketing manager for, “this is the ultimate solution for anybody wanting to travel overseas or within South Africa as it provides everything that they need off one price comparison engine.”

Martins explains, “When you search for a flight with us, you'll get results from all the major and low-cost carriers displayed in one place so that you can compare prices. You can refine your results by playing around with various parameters such as ‘departure time' or ‘preferred number of stops'. It's just like being your own travel agent, only cheaper.” applies to accommodation and car rental.

“The consumer just has to enter which destination they would like to go to, how many nights, people, rooms and so forth, and the engine will give you a list of the cheapest to most expensive hotels, bed and breakfasts, lodges and so on… You [can also] choose where you would like to pick up and drop off the car, how many days, what type of car, and then the engine will search all the main car rental companies and list the cheapest to the most expensive, ” say Martins.

Comparisons are not only provided for domestic flights but for international flights as well.

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