Short courses definitely not short end of learning stick
In the knowledge economy, companies are increasingly faced with a rapidly changing business environment, dictated in part by globalisation that in turn enforces an adapt-or-die marketplace. Indeed, we now compete in a dynamic business environment that demands organisations respond to these immediate changes. Taking all of this into consideration, the rationale behind short courses becomes clearer.
With this we're definitely not claiming that these courses will ultimately replace their respected, proven and lengthier counterparts; however, there is definite need for shorter, current learning.
Just in time
Short courses provide organisations with just-in-time solutions, offering important theoretical and practical background on how to respond to these immediate challenges.
These courses offer relevant information that not only impact upon long-term strategies but daily operations.
On a personal level, individuals can enter short course to assess whether they are actually interested in a specific discipline and whether it would be feasible to enter a longer, more generic course.
Career decision-maker
It is, therefore, an important career decision-maker.
And if an individual is already satisfied with his or her chosen career path, a short course can broaden and complement already-established skills on a theoretical and practical level.
Indeed, there is a lot to be said for short courses. They are not piece meal offerings but shorter, dynamic pools of learning that can provide both organisations and individuals with that important competitive head start in today's knowledge economy.