Fashion label, fashion blog team up for online sales
Two sisters living in two different cities in South Africa form the fashion and personal style blog. Marianna Boguslavsky, a digital marketing agency owner in Cape Town and her sister Alla, a market research manager in Port Elizabeth. The blog has already been featured in StyleScoop, Women's Health, StyleSociety, BizCommunity, People's Post and La Femme.
The new pilot project, aptly titled Designer Amor, will go live on 1 December 2011. It is described as the first of its kind, as a partnership between a fashion designer and fashion bloggers in South Africa. Not only will the public be able to purchase these limited edition pieces but they will also be part of the creation process.
Founder Marianna Boguslavsky, comments, "We are very excited about this latest collaboration as the indhi label is one that represents the aspects of fashion that we love so much - femininity, fun, comfort and sensuality. There is a gap in the fashion industry in SA when it comes to ecommerce and we are hoping to bridge this gap with this innovative, new venture."
For more information, go to www.boguslavskysisters.com.
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