[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 59: Martin Lindstrom and neuromarketing
Congratulations to lucky listener Inge-Marne Blignaut (@shhhkid) who won a ticket to The Progress Conference!
In studio on Thursday, 25 April 2013, was Tim Bishop (@TimBishopSA) from Deloitte South Africa (@DeloitteSA) and the Skype guest was branding expert Martin Lindstrom (@MartinLindstrom).
Bishop shared with show host Warren Harding (@bizcomwazza) about how the professional services company is using online and mobile to improve company strategies and operations and the educational work Deloitte is doing within South Africa to improve the quality of education.
Lindstrom shared more about neuromarketing; how consumers are addicted to brands; the tricks retailers use to increase sales; and The Progress Conference (@progresscon) taking place on 16 May in Johannesburg, where Lindstrom will be talking about branding and the digital marketing revolution in 2013 and beyond.
The news roundup covered:
- Featured Job: Digital Strategist
- Burger King SA appoints King James
- Joe Public ignites Mercedes Benz
- Sustained digital engagement is crucial
- fastjet to enter SA market
If you missed the show, download (38.3MB) or listen to the podcast (41:54 minutes).
Episode 59: Martin Lindstrom and Neuromarketing
Date: 25 April 2013 Length: 41:54min File size: 38.3MB Host: Warren Harding
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