APVA 2024 African Podcast and Voice Awards finalists announced

A community-driven organisation that seeks to discover, amplify, and celebrate African voice/audio creatives, APVA is dedicated to fostering the growth and development of the audio-creative industry in Africa.
The APVA Awards highlight and celebrate the achievements of African voice talents while providing a platform for education, motivation, and mentorship.
The 2024 APVA Awards will take place on 27 and 28 September 2024.
The finalists
Podcast of the Year
- The Sandton Times @sandtontimes
- Mothers By Grace @mothersbygraceke
- The Young God Podcast @theyounggodpod
- The Sound of Accra Podcast @thesoundofaccra
- 234 Essential @234essential
- The Expansive Podcast @theexpansivepodcast
Spirituality Podcast
- The Chai Lounge @safeerakakaonair
- The Self Propelled Flower Podcast @tapiwans
- Teens talk with NIFEMI @teens_talkwithnifemi
- You Can Rest Here @youcanrestherepod
- WorshipGear Podcast @worshipgear_sa
Lifestyle and Entertainment Podcast
- In My Voice Podcast @abasbwana
-Bioscope Brass @bioscopebrassepodcast
- My bukka adventure @the_dimpledclaire
- African Couch Potato @africancouchpotato
- The Carol Ofori Podcast @carolofori
- The Spectrum Podcast @therealdanana
Health and Wellness Podcast
- Power of Sleep
- Heal Your Mind @mentalwellness_sa
- Being You @lisaraleigh
- MedxTex Podcast
Sport Podcast
- The Hindsight Podcast @thehindsightpod
- Working Title FC @workingtitlefc
- Nation FM @nationfm_kenya
- After The Whistle @atwpodcastgcr
Music Podcast
- That 80s Show SA@that_80sshow
- Quite the Ordinary Podcast @quitetheordinarypodcast
- The Tribe UG Podcast @thetribeug
- Bulela Podcast @bulelapodcast
- Afrobeats Weekly @afrobeatspod
- Shotgun Story @shotguntori
Relationship Podcast
- The Break Time Podcast @thebreaktime_podcast
- Conversation with Kalekye @conversationswithkalekye
- Mixed Feelings Over Mixed Drinks @selamandhello
- Three’s a Crowd Podcast @afrodaddyct
- Due Parenting @dueparentingpod
- Okay Kiasi @okaykiasi
News and Current Affairs Podcast
- Podcasts from the Edge @thepowertalkspodcast
- The TimesLIVE@solidgoldpods
- Just Us and the Climate
- Raw Conversations @rawconversationspodcast
- Investment terms @africabusinessradio
Technology and Innovation Podcast
- Power Talks @thepowertalkspodcast
- ZedAlpha @solidgoldpods
- Mtambo Podcast @mtambopodcast
- The Open Africa Podcast @openafricapod
Fiction Podcast
- Bookishamos @bookishamos
- The Comnerdic Podcast @ace_wondaz
- The Talking Phoenix @dtalkingphoenix
- Kenyan Stories @Daniel Duwa
- African Story Magic @eastcoastradio
Advocacy and Social Change Podcast
- Alternative Convos @Charles Kojo Vandyck
- Men in Motherland @meninmotherlandpod
- Comm - UNITY! Podcast
- Mazungumzo-African Scholarly Conversations
- Rising Above Shadows of Abuse @rasareal1
Crime Podcast
- Petty Crime South Africa @takeyourphil
- TimesLIVE Audio @timesliveza
- True Crime South Africa @truecrimesouthafrica
- Law & Omen @lawandomen
Comedy Podcast
- @thebreaktime_podcast
- @whatajokepod
- @therealdanana
- @convosandcocktails
- @gerdadesousa and @diannebroodryk
- @talkwithrams
Education Podcast
- Bookishamos @bookishamos
- The Educated Africana @africanawomanfestival
- EduThink by Education Incorporated
- What a Joke @whatajokepod
- The Mazungumzo - African Scholarly Conversations Podcast By Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa)
Career and Entrepreneurship Podcast
- The Curse Of The Creative Podcast @ultimatemedia_za
- The Entrepreneurs Lodge Podcast @mrtosinolomu
- Becoming the Product Podcast @becomingtheproductmanager
- Listen To Your Footsteps Podcast @kojobaffoe
- The One-Eyed Man Podcast @mikestopforth
- The Sound of Accra Podcast @AdrianDaniels
Society and Culture Podcast
- The Sound of Accra Podcast @thesoundofaccra
- StaybyPlan Podcast @staybyplanpod
- Alternative Convos @Charles Kojo Vandyck
- The Young God Podcast @theyounggodpod
- Eusebius on TimesLIVE @eusebius_mckaiser
- Africana Woman @africanawoman
Lifestyle and Entertainment Podcast
- Revenge of the forsaken gods Podcast @revengefgods
- The Mo Sibyl Podcast @themoresibylpodcast
- The Entrepreneurs Lodge Podcast @theelodge_
- Volatile Times @danielbriggz
- The Interweave Podcast @ interweave_podcast
- Mama Tales Podcast @mamatalespodcast
Finance Podcast
- Epokothweni @epokothweni
- MoneywebNOW
- The Marketing Pulse @themarketing_pulse
- Investment Terms @africabusinessradio
Children Podcast
- Solid Gold Story Time @solidgoldpods
- KaBrazen @KaBrazen
- Represented Podcast @africabusinessradio
- ZedAlpha
Podcast Art of the Year - Podcast
- Safari Conversations - The Singita Podcast @solidgoldpods
- Made In Africa @madeinafricapodcast
- In My Voice Podcast @abasbwana
- The Educated Africana @africanawoman
- Dangerously Honest @dangerouslyhonest
- Unspoken Podcast @unspo.kenpodcastke
Diasporan Podcast of the Year - Podcast
- Sambaza Podcast @sambazapodcast
- The Sangyin Podcast @sangyin_podcast_
- Afros In The Diaspora Podcast @afrosinthediaspora
- The Mo Sibyl Podcast @themoresibylpodcast
- Concrete Pastures Podcast @concrete_pastures
Rising Talent Of The Year - Podcast
- Teens talk with NIFEMI @teens_talkwithnifemi
- Safari Conversations - The Singita Podcast @solidgoldpods
- BlackFlame Podcast @theblackflamepod
- Mama Tales Podcast @mamatalespodcast
- Mixed Feelings Over Mixed Drinks @selamandhello
- The Sangyin Podcast @sangyin_podcast
Best Audio Book Performance - Voiceover
- Stars of the Morning (Audiobook) @solidgoldpods
- Wildlife and Warfare (Audiobook) @solidgoldpods
- Halley’s Comet (Audiobook) @solidgoldpods
Best Documentary Performance - Voiceover
- Edward Nyanaro @Edward Nyanaro
- Mohamed abdelrahman @ Mohamed AbdelRahman Voice over artist
- Moses Mwakisha Mwaruma @mufti_halisi
Best Radio Imaging - Voiceover
- Star Nyembezi @starnyembezi
- Chiedu Norbert Onabu @buzzchiedu
- Grace Ekundayo @gracie.e
- Mariam Abo el Fotoh @mariam_abouelfetouh_official
Best Commercial Performance – TV Voiceover
- Oluwafemi Olugbade @femibakes
- Eric Maximus Ekwueme @erictus_maximus
- Ali Mwangola @AliMwangola
- Themba Robin @themba_robin
- Moses Mwakisha Mwaruma @mufti_halisi
Best TV-Promo - Voiceover
- Chiedu Norbert Onabu @buzzchiedu
- Edward Nyanaro @edwardnyanaro
- Stephanie Nicholas @voiceofsteph
- Agatha Ike-Odeyemi @agathaike_snc
Best in Narration - Voiceover
- Jamaldeen Ademola Hamzat @Jamaldeenvoice
- Mordí Chukwunonso Esther @the_dimpledclaire
- Stephanie Ugbeye @thevocalexpressionist
- Afoma M. Ezeokoye (Oma the Storyteller) @oma_the_storyteller
Best Corporate/Explainer Performance - Voiceover
- Nice Githinji @nicegithinji
- Betty Ehinome @bettynicholas_
- Ewoma Oyegwa @ewoma_o
Best Animation - Voiceover
- Nice Githinji @nicegithinji
- Stephanie Ugbeye @thevocalexpressionist
- Serah Johnson @_serahjohns
Best Jingle - Voiceover
- Cynthia Kimola @cynthiakimola
- Stephanie Nicholas @voiceofsteph
- Mohamed Abdelrahman @ Mohamed AbdelRahman Voice over artist
Best Commercial Performance – Radio Voiceover
- Eric Wambugu @Eric_wambugu254
- Jeritah Mwake @jeritah_mwake
- Deborah Oiza Yusuf @oiza_radiolady
Best Storytelling - Spoken word
- Wana Udobang @mswanawana
- Irene Esther Mutuzo @ireneesthermutuzo
- Solarspeaks @solarspeakson
- Toby Abiodun @toby_abiodun
- Taleabong Boris Alemnge @penboy_official
Voiceover Service Provider of the Year - Voiceover
- Daza Voiceover @daza_voiceover
- Voiceover Workshop and Media @voiceoverworkshop
- Voiceover Academy @voiceoveracad @thevoiceoverbank
- Intertalent @intertalentsa
- Vibe Communications @vibecommunicationszm
Voiceover Artist of the Year - Voiceover
- Themba Robin @themba_robin
- Shahenda Ahmed Aly @voiceover.dr.shahenda.ahmed
- Eric “Maximus” Ekwueme @erictus_maximus
- Oluwafemi Olugbade @femibakes
- Terry Andwana @teedailys
Rising Talent of the Year - Voiceover
- Terry Andwana @teedailys
- Grace Ekundayo @gracie.e
Akinremi Fiyinfoluwa @akinremifiyinfoluwa
Best Spoken Word Record - Spoken word
- Oludolapo Adewale @oludolapo_adewale
- Maritza Mama KLA @mama.kla
- Oreva @rehviie