Magazines were supposed to die in the digital age. Why haven’t they?
Julian Novitz 15 Jan 2024
Vice Media files for bankruptcy
16 May 2023
It's always been an option to see who's added you as a friend (or 'friended' you) on Facebook, but seeing who has removed your news, views and photos from their newsfeed has always been a more laborious process. It's a depressing time-waster that involves scrolling through your friends - not listed in alphabetical order, I might add, making the task that much more cumbersome.
That's why the socially aware noticed yet another addition to Facebook, which lets you "see who has unfriended you on Facebook" recently, as Time reports, giving the ultimate eagle-eyed kudos to BuzzFeed, who first reported on the 'Who Deleted Me' Facebook-based app's re-emergence as a Chrome extension and iOS and Android app here.
Even better (or should that be, even worse?) The app updates in real-time - though it only works post-installation, so you can't trace who has let you go, digitally at least, since you joined the social network. It's also nice to see who has deactivated their account - another feature The Daily Mail picked up on.
So, while Gizmodo asks why you should care, the more socially anxious are bound to install the app and send angry 'why are you no longer on my friend list' messages.
Don't say we didn't warn you...