The Goliath Comedy Club finds the funny with Robby Collins' Son of Carol
The new one-man comedy show by Robby Collins titled Son of Carol, which takes place on 29 and 30 November, and 1 and 2 December 2017 at The Goliath Comedy Club in Braamfontein, is a hilarious introspection of a young man who is finding his place in the world and finds the 'funny' in all the crazy situation that a young comedian may encounter.
Robbie Collins
Having performed internationally on comedy stages in Australia, Canada, Switzerland and the US, Collins affirms that the room space of The Goliath Comedy Club is an ideal venue – the stage set will bring to life a living room of a true coloured working class home and in the infamous Robby Collins style. Each night will end off with an afterparty featuring a few surprise entertainment acts.
Tickets for Son of Carol are available at R100 per person. Tickets can be purchased online here or at the door.
Show dates
29 and 30 November 2017 - 8pm
1 and 2 December 2017 - 8pm