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Care coordination is vital to achieving better health outcomes, by Medshield
Medical care is generally divided into primary and special care. These two distinct forms of medical care serve different purposes in maintaining an individual's health. Primary care refers to the first point of contact for a patient with the healthcare system, usually a general practitioner, family physician, or paediatrician. On the other hand, speciality care involves healthcare professionals with advanced training and expertise in specific areas of medicine, such as cardiology, neurology, or oncology. These specialists provide more focused and in-depth care for patients with particular health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, or cancer. 23 Sep 2024 Read more

Unpacking the NHI Act: Medshield’s Kevin Aron explains the changing healthcare landscape
South Africans have heard the words National Health Insurance or NHI for some time now, but can one really say they fully understand what this means? Many are still at odds with what the NHI entails, how it will work from day to day, how it might impact healthcare quality, whether it will genuinely improve access for the most vulnerable, and most importantly, who will pay for it. 20 Sep 2024 Read more

Medshield shares a guide on how to maximise your healthcare coverage when it runs out
It's a familiar situation: halfway through the year, the cold winter season is at its peak, and you've run out of funds on your day-to-day or savings plan. Every sniffle, ache, or routine check-up suddenly feels like a financial burden. For many South Africans, the middle of the year marks a time of anxiety as the safety net of medical cover dwindles, leaving you to wonder how to manage your healthcare needs without breaking the bank. 17 Sep 2024 Read more

What every expectant parent needs to know about maternity and newborn care cover, Medshield
Becoming a parent is a complex journey filled with anticipation, joy, and anxiety. Expectant parents focus on ensuring all is well with both mother and baby through routine check-ups, scans, hospital stays, and neonatal care if necessary. Without adequate cover, costs related to these services can escalate, putting financial strain on your family during a joyous occasion. Maternity and newborn care cover is crucial for ensuring the best care for both mother and baby during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum. 6 Sep 2024 Read more

Medshield's guide to understanding prescribed minimum benefits
Healthcare cover can be a maze of jargon and complexities, leaving many consumers feeling overwhelmed, but one term you should grasp is prescribed minimum benefits (PMBs). They are crucial components of medical schemes in South Africa – mandated by the Medical Schemes Act – that ensure members have access to essential healthcare services without fear of running out of benefits for critical conditions. 5 Sep 2024 Read more

CFAO South Africa announces a new automotive body parts manufacturing plant joint venture
CFAO South Africa is pleased to announce a new joint venture between one of its subsidiaries, Toyota Tsusho Africa, and Ogihara Thailand, to be known as Ogihara South Africa and the construction of a new component manufacturing plant located at the Dube Tradeport in Durban to supply product to Toyota South Africa. The Minister of Trade and Industry in the South African Government of National Unity, the Honourable Minister Parks Tau, presided at the launch ceremony, welcoming the strategic investment of R1.2bn into the South African automotive industry. 23 Aug 2024 Read more

Medshield Mom will empower parents with real talk and practical tips on 27 July 2024
Calling all moms and dads! Medshield Medical Scheme is excited to announce the upcoming Medshield Mom Webinar, a free online event designed to provide parents with invaluable insights and practical advice from top healthcare and child psychology experts. The virtual event is scheduled for Saturday, 27 July 2024, at 9am and is open to everyone. 22 Jul 2024 Read more

Telemedicine can expand universal access to care and improve patient experience, by Medshield
Telemedicine is revolutionising healthcare worldwide, and South Africa is no exception. Telemedicine refers to the use of telecommunication technology to provide medical services remotely through virtual consultations, remote monitoring of patients, and digital transmission of medical information. 5 Jul 2024 Read more

Liver health matters, by Medshield
Our liver is a remarkable organ critical to keeping our bodies healthy. Responsible for detoxification, metabolism, and nutrient absorption, the liver is essential for our overall well-being. Unfortunately, liver health often takes a backseat until complications arise. Hepatitis, a condition that affects the liver, is a global public health concern. 28 Jun 2024 Read more

Employers' role in health and wellness to promote employee well-being, by Medshield
In today's fast-paced work environment, where emotional health is as critical as physical health, employers are under increasing pressure to ensure their employees are well cared for, balanced, and content. This evolving focus is essential for maintaining a productive and positive workplace. 25 Jun 2024 Read more

How environmental toxins and pollution affect our health, by Medshield
Imagine waking up daily in a world where the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the soil beneath your feet slowly poison you. It may sound like a dystopian nightmare, but for many people around the globe, this is a stark reality. Environmental toxins and pollution are pervasive, and they have profound effects on our health. Environmental toxins are hazardous substances in the air, water, soil, and even our homes and workplaces. Pollution exacerbates the presence of these toxins, contaminating the environment and increasing the risk of exposure. 25 Jun 2024 Read more

Medical aid cover for durable medical equipment and assistive devices, by Medshield
Life is unpredictable. An unexpected circumstance can lead one to depend on durable medical equipment (DME) and assistive devices to maintain independence and improve quality of life. DME refers to equipment and devices prescribed by healthcare professionals for medical purposes, such as wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, and oxygen equipment. On the other hand, assistive devices are designed to help people with disabilities complete daily tasks, such as hearing aids, prosthetic limbs, communication devices, and computer accessories with adaptive features. 14 Jun 2024 Read more

Unlocking in-network healthcare: Tips and perks from Medshield
Imagine being recently enrolled on a new medical scheme plan, eager for the comprehensive healthcare coverage it promises, but you are not entirely sure which doctors, dentists or hospitals are covered on your chosen benefit option/plan. Maintaining good health requires more than just eating right and working out. It also requires access to quality medical care when necessary. Medical scheme coverage is a lifeline that helps pay medical bills. However, navigating the complexities of network coverage and locating in-network healthcare providers can often seem like a complex puzzle. It is critical to understand your network cover and know where to find relevant in-network healthcare providers covered by your medical scheme. 12 Jun 2024 Read more

Walk Your Way with Medshield at the 2024 Suncoast East Coast Radio Big Walk
The 2024 Suncoast East Coast Radio Big Walk is gearing up to unite the Durban community once again to celebrate health, fitness, and community spirit. With this year's theme, "Walk Your Way," the event promises an enriching experience for participants of all ages and fitness levels. Scheduled to take place on 26 May 2024, the Big Walk is a cornerstone event in Durban's social calendar, promoting a holistic approach to well-being. 21 May 2024 Read more

Allergies and sensitivities during seasonal changes, by Medshield
Seasonal changes bring about beautiful transformations in nature, but for many individuals, they also usher in a host of allergy and sensitivity triggers. From pollen and mould to dust mites and pet dander, these allergens can cause various symptoms, whether mild discomfort or severe respiratory issues. 13 May 2024 Read more

Unlocking your benefits - Medical aid tax credits and subsidies, by Medshield
Paying monthly contributions to a registered medical aid scheme ensures your healthcare cover and offers financial benefits facilitated by the government through tax relief. This tax relief, known as "tax credits", is a percentage deducted from your tax liability and subsequently refunded to you. You save money by adhering to proper tax filing procedures, making healthcare provisions more economically viable. 22 Apr 2024 Read more

Medical aid cover for physical rehabilitation and physical therapy in South Africa, by Medshield
An operation or accident is often traumatic. The healing process after that can also be an equally gruelling ordeal unless managed well. Physical rehabilitation, or physical therapy, is the process an injured or disabled person goes through to restore their physical functioning. This process can be lengthy, beginning while the person is still in the hospital after an injury or surgery and continuing through a skilled nursing facility, in-home and out-patient therapy.  28 Mar 2024 Read more

Understanding digestive health and the gut microbiome, by Medshield
Digestive health refers to the proper functioning and balance of the digestive system. Essentially, your digestive system breaks down the food and liquid you consume into its chemical components, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients are then absorbed by the body, used for energy, and to build or repair cells. 25 Mar 2024 Read more

The AEL shares how young South Africans can be custodians of our eco-sensitive future
Conservation biology is not a science, but rather a complex, multidisciplinary management system that requires individuals to navigate a highly intricate environment. People are key to conservation - we engage in it and are affected by it, which is why social science, economics, law, and politics are crucial components for solving these intricate conservation issues. 31 Jan 2024 Read more

Mapping Conservation Ecology as a multi-disciplinary and integrated field of study - The AEL
I've always been interested in 'nature', in fact, many things – but 'nature' was a constant. When it came time to choose what to do after school, having applied to join the military to study engineering, amongst other things, in the end it was Conservation Ecology that stood out. But why? 25 Jan 2024 Read more

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