BEE scorecard for the exhibition industry
The decision was based on a number of factors: exhibitions are recognised by government as an important part of business tourism; the scorecard has accommodated small businesses which typify the exhibition industry; and EXSA gave input into the scorecard's development.
The tourism scorecard, comprising seven sections ranging from ownership and strategic representation through to social development and industry specifics, is applicable to all tourism and related companies and not only to those that 'do business with government'.
EXSA members are not limited to joining up under the tourism sector - they may choose the sector that is relevant to their core business.
Although the target for the general implementation of the BEE scorecards is 2014, 2009 has been set by the tourism committee as a mid term milestone. This will contribute to the arrangements for the Soccer World Cup taking place in 2010.
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is planning to publish guidelines for the accreditation of agencies within the next few months. In the meantime, companies can rate themselves against the criteria.
Justin Hawes, Chairperson of EXSA, says: "It's great to have a benchmark to work towards in terms of BEE criteria."
Hannes Venter, Jerry Mabena and Spencer Pillai, members of EXSA's executive committee, have been appointed to facilitate the adoption process. They will form the EXSA BEE Working Group. A copy of the BEE Tourism Scorecard is available at