The Tshepang Educare Trust improves education in disadvantaged areas
Research conducted in 1995 showed that children in the area were entering mainstream schools without a proper pre-school background. "We found that children lacking the relevant literacy skills are at a disadvantage throughout their lives, unable to read and write appropriately and therefore unable to compete with other children in the school system," says Alice Chomane-Mokoemane, director of the Tshepang Educare Trust.
Goal of ECD
The ultimate goal of early childhood development (ECD) is to enhance the early stages of life for children so that they can have the necessary experiences to facilitate their growth into adulthood. The sooner children begin learning, the better their overall growth into adulthood.
"Establishing an academic foundation where young children are nurtured through drawing, speaking and doing simple mathematics is important for the growth and development of a child. Children need to develop a social foundation to allow them to interact with their peers at an early stage which will allow them to slowly get integrated into society and contribute to society," says FNB's fund manager, Pearl Mphuthi.
Vegetable gardens
Tshepang has trained over 500 ECD practitioners to date. Mokoemane explains that children living in impoverished circumstances need to have the best possible education prior to entering into mainstream schools so that they are not at a disadvantage compared with other children. In addition children need to have proper nourishment hence the development of the vegetable gardens at the crèches.
Focus areas for the Tshepang Educare Trust are on the pre-school training programme, a mobile toy library project, a family motivator programme as well as enrichment programmes focusing on literacy and numeracy for the matrons in the various schools.
The weekly mobile toy library has been very beneficial to children and parents in various disadvantaged areas. The library has been maintained for circulation among pre-schools with regular toy workshops being held to train women in the uses and application of the toys. "It's great to see that parents are involved in their children's education and development. The sooner a child begins learning the better they are in the future. Education just gives them a platform to make a great future for themselves and their families," concludes Mokoemane.