[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 62: Heavy Chef and IMC Conference
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One ticket to the IMC Conference, worth R4500, is up for grabs! To win, tweet @BizcomWazza using the #biztakeouts hashtag, and tell him why you want to attend. The winner will be announced next week Thursday, 6 June.
In studio on Thursday, 30 May 2013, we hosted Fred Roed (@Fred_Roed), CEO of World Wide Creative and co-founder of Heavy Chef (@heavychef), a World Wide Creative side project, offering talks, information, opinion, resources, workshops and education; and Daniel Marcus (@DanMarcusSA), CEO of Living Your Brand (@livingyourbrand) and custodian of the IMC Conference (@IMCConference).
Roed shared with show host Warren Harding (@bizcomwazza) about how the organisation started; where the Heavy Chef name comes from; trends in digital marketing; and what can be expected at the monthly Heavy Chef Session events.
Marcus shared more about the upcoming Integrated Marketing Conference (@IMCConference) taking place from 10-11 June in Cape Town. We looked at the event's speakers; what attendees can expect; and why you should attend this conference.
The news roundup covered:
- Featured Job: Online Media Planner
- New chief marketing officer at Nando's
- [Online presence 3] Get mobile-ready by Luke McKend
- How much is enough? by Marion Scher
If you missed the show, download (42.4MB) or listen to the podcast (46:20 minutes).
Episode 62: Heavy Chef and IMC Conference
Date: 30 May 2013 Length: 46:20min File size: 42.4MB Host: Warren Harding
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Online marketing tips, brought to you by Quirk Education:
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We are giving away three Quirk eMarketing text books, 4th edition, valued at R499.
To win, tweet @bizcomwazza and tell him why you want a Quirk eMarketing text book.
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