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Today's low prices make holiday property a good long-term product
In the circumstances, estate agents are completely justified in saying that now is the time to buy holiday property and that today's prices are not likely to be quite so favourable to the buyer again.
Interest reviving
Reports from the Rawson Property Group's residential franchises serving holiday areas such as Hermanus, Yzerfontein and Langebaan in the Western Cape and Amanzimtoti and Umhlanga in KZN indicate that interest in holiday property is at last beginning to revive. Sales this summer, it has been predicted by Emil Weiss of the Langebaan franchise, are likely to be double those of the 2011/12 summer.
It remains true that proximity to the beach and/or a sea view are all-important and these attributes do enable sellers to ask a huge premium for their properties.
Whether, your choice is for a high-profile beach plot or simply one in a coastal area, almost all holiday properties represent really excellent value for money at the moment and, of course, they all have the added bonus of enhancing the buyer's lifestyle.
About Bill Rawson
Bill Rawson is the chairman of the Rawson Property Group.