ESG & Sustainability Company news South Africa

Collen Mashawana Foundation donate borehole to Hammanskraal Community on Mandela Day

The Collen Mashawana Foundation, based in Sandton, joined forces with the People Matter Foundation to make a significant contribution to the community of Hammanskraal on Nelson Mandela Day. In a generous gesture, the two organisations donated a borehole to Adam Masebe Secondary School, which is located in Hammanskraal, Pretoria. The primary goal of this initiative is to ensure sustainable access to clean water for the community, especially in response to a recent cholera outbreak that tragically claimed several lives.

Nelson Mandela International Day is an annual observance held on 18 July, dedicated to honouring the late Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, South Africa's first democratically elected president. This year's theme, "The Legacy Lives on Through You," holds particular significance as it marks the 10th anniversary of Madiba's passing in December 2013. The theme emphasises the enduring impact of his principles and reminds us of our shared responsibility in upholding his legacy.

The call to action for Nelson Mandela International Day 2023 centres around the theme "Climate, Food & Solidarity," shedding light on some of the most pressing global challenges we currently face. Poverty, inequality, climate change, and the need for resilient food systems are among the key issues that demand our attention and concerted efforts.

Collen Mashawana Foundation donate borehole to Hammanskraal Community on Mandela Day
Collen Mashawana Foundation donate borehole to Hammanskraal Community on Mandela Day

In a spirit of hope for the Hammanskraal community, the Collen Mashawana Foundation and the People Matter Foundation are delighted to announce their donation of a borehole to Adam Masebe Secondary School. This act of generosity will not only provide clean water to the school but also have a positive impact on the surrounding community. It is worth noting that this isn't the first borehole donated by the Collen Mashawana Foundation in Hammanskraal, underscoring their ongoing commitment to ensuring sustainable access to this vital resource.

The recent cholera outbreak in Hammanskraal served as a wake-up call, highlighting the urgent need for clean water and improved sanitation facilities. By addressing this crucial need, the foundations aim to contribute to the overall well-being and health of the community, fostering a safer environment for everyone. Access to clean water is a fundamental right, and this initiative seeks to uphold that right and create long-lasting positive change.

In addition to the borehole donation, the Mandela Day initiative paid tribute to Adam Masebe, the Principal of Adam Masebe Secondary School. Masebe's tireless dedication to supporting the community and empowering students has had a transformative impact on countless lives. Recognizing his exceptional leadership and remarkable achievements serves as an inspiration to others, highlighting the importance of education and community development.

Collen Mashawana Foundation donate borehole to Hammanskraal Community on Mandela Day
Collen Mashawana Foundation donate borehole to Hammanskraal Community on Mandela Day

The Collen Mashawana Foundation and the People Matter Foundation see this initiative as a reflection of Nelson Mandela's vision and commitment to uplifting communities and fostering unity. Mandela's lifelong efforts to promote equality, justice, and reconciliation continue to inspire people worldwide. By donating the borehole and honoring Masebe, the foundations aim to symbolise their dedication to bringing hope, resilience, and positive change to Hammanskraal.

Beyond the borehole donation and tribute to Masebe, a group of dedicated volunteers undertook a project yesterday to enhance the aesthetics of the school environment. Through the refurbishment and beautification of a designated area, the volunteers aimed to create an inspiring learning space for students and foster a sense of pride within the community. This initiative recognises the importance of providing students with a conducive environment that supports their educational journey and overall well-being.

Collen Mashawana Foundation donate borehole to Hammanskraal Community on Mandela Day
Collen Mashawana Foundation donate borehole to Hammanskraal Community on Mandela Day

Furthermore, as part of their Mandela Day initiative, the foundations distributed food parcels and blankets to senior citizens in Hammanskraal. This act of solidarity demonstrated their commitment to addressing the challenges faced by vulnerable individuals and ensuring their well-being. By extending support and care to those in need, the foundations aimed to uplift the community as a whole.

Some newsworthy participants included Connie Ferguson where she represented her foundation the Ferguson Foundation, Norma Mngoma who represented Suitbly Norma as well as Phokane Machaka Robie who represented Kotlolo Engineering and Zareef Minty who is a Forbes Africa 30 under 30 list maker but also the CEO of Afribiz Media.

Collen Mashawana Foundation donate borehole to Hammanskraal Community on Mandela Day
Collen Mashawana Foundation donate borehole to Hammanskraal Community on Mandela Day

Collen Mashawana, the founder of the Collen Mashawana Foundation, expressed his gratitude yesterday for the opportunity to carry forward Nelson Mandela's legacy. He emphasised the foundations' commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of the Hammanskraal community and honoring Adam Masebe's exceptional leadership. Through collective efforts, they strive to bring hope, resilience, and a brighter future for all.

The Collen Mashawana Foundation and the People Matter Foundation extended their heartfelt gratitude to the volunteers, supporters, and partners whose dedication and generosity made this Mandela Day initiative possible. Their collaborative efforts serve as a powerful reminder of the impact that can be achieved when individuals and organisations unite to create positive change.

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