Mpact's 3-step guide for EPR compliance before 5 November
Mpact has been contributing to EPR, indirectly on your behalf, by means of a voluntary levy, for a number of years and is an existing member of Packaging SA, Plastics SA and the following Producer Responsibility Organisations (PRO’s):
- Polyco (HDPE, LDPE, PP, PET, Vinyl, Polystyrene and Multi layers)
- Polystyrene Association of South Africa - Merged with Polyco
- Southern African Vinyls Association (SAVA) - Merged with Polyco
- VinylLoop (New vehicle for EPR, under SAVA) – Merged with Polyco
We look forward to participating with you in this process, furthering our investment in a circular economy and contributing to smarter, sustainable solutions.
For an ‘easy to read’ step-by-step process on what to do next, please refer to our EPR journey guide below or contact us on az.oc.tcapm@rpe.
Mpact Plastics is a leading producer of rigid plastic packaging and cling film in southern Africa. We operate out of nine production centres across the country, providing packaging from plants with relevant certifications. We service the food, beverage, personal care, home care, pharmaceutical, agricultural and retail markets. In upholding company values, and as a supporter of the circular economy, we positively contribute to industry associations, enabling various communities to participate in recycling solutions.
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