SAARF invitation to public hearings on racism allegations
The public hearings will be chaired by independent moderator, Tim Modise, assisted by a panel of distinguished experts with specialist knowledge and experience in advertising, marketing, communications and research.
Date: Wednesday 27 March 2002
Time: from 08h30 to 17h00
Submissions must be submitted in advance by e-mail or as a typewritten document, and presentations, preferably in PowerPoint, for projection on the day, should reach us by Friday 15 March to facilitate the logistics associated with the hearings.
Submissions may be presented personally on the above date if desired, in which case presenters will be restricted to a maximum of 15 minutes for the presentation, followed by 5 minutes of question time. Any person or organisation, which cannot be present in person, may e-mail or forward a typewritten submission for the consideration of the panel by no later than the date of the hearing.
Those desiring to present their submissions are requested to reserve a presentation slot by contacting Luanne Rheeder at SAARF, telephone 011 463 5340 or e-mail before close of business on Friday 15 March 2002. PowerPoint or written submissions can also be e-mailed to SAARF at or delivered to SAARF at 54 Queens Road, Bryanston (or to P O Box 98874, Sloane Park 2152) by the same date.
All submissions need to be identified with your name and organisation name, if applicable, and contact details. Please commence your submission by stating firstly, your interest in the communications industry, secondly your interest in SAARF research.
As this is a public hearing, anyone who would like to attend the hearings is welcome, but as space is limited, attendees must register in advance and applications for registration will be handled on a first come first served basis.
Further information may be obtained from SAARF at the above address.
Dr Clive Corder, Chairman, South African Advertising Research Foundation (SAARF)