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Full colour is better! - fact or fable?
"The myth that full colour ads have more impact, generate better recall and are more effective lives on, but with no substantiation," says Greg Stewart, General Manager: Sales for The Citizen.
"When newspapers were predominantly black and white it made sense that a full colour ad, or even use of a spot colour, attracted reader attention. But now the reverse is true with the vast majority of newspaper pages and ads being full colour."
Besides stretching media spend and gaining frequency, a black and white ad can now be the one to stand out from the clutter, providing the message is good enough. "The key lies in the creative concept," says Greg. "Many agencies, both local and international, have had huge success with clever print ads, portrayed in black and white, with clear cut copy communicating the advertising message."
Simon Dicketts, founding partner of the new Saatchi Agency, proved the effectiveness of black and white advertising in his print campaign for the Conservative Party and The Samaritans in the USA. And internationally renowned copywriter, Bob Levenson, received much acclaim for his series of black and white print campaigns for Volkswagen.
"Locally, there have also been some excellent examples of black & white print advertising, some of which have been published in The Citizen and enjoyed excellent reader response. Remember Red Nail's award winning 'Trevor Manuel' ad for Alliance Odyssey?" asks Greg. "So, think black and white, break the creative boundaries, get your ad noticed and get a better return on your investment."
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Owlhurst Communications CC
Chirene Campbell
Tel: 011-884-2559