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Futurelife appoints Bernard Parker as brand ambassador
"Parker and his family were already using the products in their daily routine, which further adds credibility to our decision to bring him on board as a new face of the brand," says Shaun Harris, MD of Futurelife. "It is vital for our ambassadors to believe in our products and its unique health benefits."
The footballer first learned about the product through his management company Prosport International, which suggested that he include the product in his diet. "Over the last eight months, I've seen the nutritional impact that it has had on my body. It sustains me throughout training sessions and even my sons enjoy it," says Parker.
"I'm thrilled to have been selected as an ambassador and look forward to working with the brand to bring the message of healthy eating through nutritionally dense meals to all people of South Africa, young and old, athlete and non-athlete."
"As a company that looks at providing nutritional value to the consumer, we are pleased to have Parker as one of our ambassadors as we believe that he embodies the brand's corporate philosophy of living a healthy and fit lifestyle," concludes Harris.