CCTV footage to appear as comic booklets to raise crime awareness
To raise awareness of the key safety risks faced by visitors and locals in Cape Town, the Vision project will incorporate real footage captured on some of the 300 closed-circuit television cameras located around the city, re-purposed into comic-style booklets.
Launching on 19 December 2012, over 50,000 CCTV comic-style booklets will be distributed in the CBD at various retail, food and beverage outlets, tourist accommodation, key city access intersections and the train stations. Fans and interested citizens can interact with Vision on a dedicated Facebook page ( The page will be regularly updated with crime-beating tips from Vision, as well as city news and views.
The groundbreaking comics use the example of six crime types that have been mapped across the city. The campaign will also provide clear, actionable advice on how to reduce the chances of becoming a victim of these crimes, while enjoying Cape Town.
The government, Metro Police, various NGOs, communities and the private sector will all have a role to play in ensuring that Vision succeeds in the quest to keep Cape Town safe and secure.
The project is an initiative of The Safety Lab, a cross-sector 'ideas lab' set up in 2012 to conceptualise, design and test innovative safety and security solutions applicable to the Western Cape. It works with a range of public and private sector implementation partners.