Soli Philander to host new social support programme on e
This brand new show kicks off in early February and will be hosted by the colourful actor, television and radio personality, Soli Philander. It will be produced by Gavin Sweeney of Dancing Light Productions.
"The Let's Fix It team will follow Soli around as he identifies people with problems and sets about finding a solution," says Sweeney. It will be aimed at the improvement and betterment of an individual's life.
"Each project will present Soli with the challenge of formulating a plan, raising some of the sponsorships, drawing together the resources and in fact making the project come to life. This of course will be done with a strict deadline in place and he will be competing against the clock," he says.
The show will help anyone in need who, for example, requires an operation, a wheelchair or money to visit a long-lost relative, and who does not have the means to help themselves.
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PO Box 12124
Mill Street