Thinking out-of-the-box to highlight niche channels
The objective of the promotion is to educate the media departments of agencies in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban, about the channels, while highlighting specific programming. This has the positive spin-off of the channels becoming top of mind.
Anthea Petersen of Oracle Airtimes Sales explains that a crossword competition was devised to stimulate intellects, as well as competition and discussion over a four-week period. The competition starts on the 3rd of February 2004, with each channel having a week dedicated to it. "The DSTV niche channels are global and take audiences across the world at the click of a button. This common element of the channels lead us, together with Cross Colours, to the concept of the 'Crossworld Puzzle.' Entrants have to interact with the various channels in order to decipher a number of channel-related clues and questions and use them to solve the puzzle."
Agency employees will receive a branded entry box containing the entry form, the rules, some information about the channels and stationery. The inside lid of the box functions like an advent calendar, with channel-related clues to the puzzle hidden underneath the channel logos. Entrants will receive further daily clues via email.
Editorial contact
Grapevine Communications
Linda Piegl
Tel: (011) 706 9600