Russia's Nornickel finally exits South Africa
Polina Devitt, Anastasia Lyrchikova and Nelson Banya 26 Nov 2023
Through the Assmang and TEACH South Africa partnership, the teaching of Mathematics, Science and English in Assmang's host communities in the Northern Cape, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal, will be strengthened. The majority of schools in rural areas in South Africa have a skill shortage of teachers and Assmang, together with TEACH South Africa, are committed towards adding to the existing staff complement in these schools by placing recent graduates for a period of two years.
TEACH South Africa identified the need to address the national skills shortage in the areas of Maths, Science, English and Technology and has subsequently up to date signed up 154 dynamic graduates from leading universities since 2009, placing them in schools where their skills are most needed, and typically within disadvantaged areas. Assmang shares the same vision and passion to improve education in schools located in the rural communities of the country and partnering with TEACH South Africa will provide the solution to improving learner achievement.
The chairman of TEACH South Africa, Futhi Mtoba together with the co-founders, Dr. Mothomang Diaho and Richard Masemola are delighted that companies such as Assmang can make a contribution towards education and improving learner achievement. TEACH South Africa is looking forward to a long and lasting partnership with Assmang.
André Joubert, chief executive of ARM ferrous operations said: "ARM is committed to the provision of education and skills to all South Africans, but in particular to marginalised and historically disadvantaged persons. In partnering with TEACH South Africa, we believe we can help to address some of the challenges faced in education at a systemic level. At the same time, the support to learners in key areas will contribute in the medium and longer term to a growing pool of skilled labour within our host communities."