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The programme was launched at the Ivory Park Secondary School near Midrand on Friday, 13 April 2018, by Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, and Anglo American South Africa Deputy Chairman, Norman Mbazima.
The programme has been developed in partnership with the Department of Basic Education, and complements its 2019 Action Plan Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2030, which details strategies that aim to improve the performance of South Africa’s schooling system.
The Anglo American South Africa Education Programme aims to improve reading, writing and numeracy levels and quality passes through addressing some of the underlying reasons for poor education outcomes by supporting school management teams, governing bodies, principals, and teaching staff.
The programme has set ambitious learner-focussed targets, aiming to see:
The programme will support school management teams, governing bodies, principals, staff as well as parents towards achieving these learner-focused targets. There will be a strong focus on helping teachers develop their content knowledge and teaching skills.
Learners will benefit from a range of interventions which are geared to improve their educational outcomes. Essential upgrades will be made at 100 early childhood development (ECD) sites, so that these are safe and conducive to learning. This will be coupled with ECD practitioner training, to enable practitioners to provide quality early stimulation so that young children are better prepared for school entry.
At approximately 75 primary schools and 25 secondary schools, strategic planning retreats will be facilitated to ensure that each school has a sound strategy and school improvement plan that is owned by and actively implemented by the School Governing Body and School Management Team, with the support of highly skilled and experienced coaches.
At all the schools, systems and processes will be developed, refined and implemented so that the school runs and functions well. Where required, teacher training and coaching will be provided so that the teachers are capacitated to make the best use of teaching and learning time. Finally, at secondary schools, some Saturday school and school camps for Grade 12 learners will be provided.
The programme is one of the first initiatives under Anglo American’s Sustainability Strategy which was launched last month. One of the pillars of the strategy is to create thriving communities close to its operations, with education as a key building block.