2013 house price index findings
2013 saw slightly slower average house price growth than 2012, but improving demand-supply balance hints at improved average price growth to come in 2014.
(Image: Nagarjun Kandukuru, via Wikimedia Commons)
According to the FNB House Price Index, the average house price for the entire 2013 rose by 6.8% compared with the average price for 2012. This was a slight slowing in growth on the revised 2012 average house price growth of 7.1%.
In real terms too, when adjusting house prices for consumer price inflation, 2013 showed a slightly lower rise of 0.8%, compared to 1.3% in 2012. Nevertheless, 2013 saw the 2nd successive year of slight positive real house price growth following 4 prior years of average real price decline.