Book your spot for BotCon Africa 2017!
BotCon Africa is essential for software developers, businesses, and marketers working with natural language, machine learning, and AI and offers a chance to interact with top-end experts and peers.
Last year’s sold-out event drew over 130 participants and featured speakers like Emeka Afigbo of Facebook; Simon de Haan from on bots for social impact; Ashvin Sologar from Kalido on natural language processing; and Retro Rabbit’s Jade Abbot on word embedding, recommendation systems and open source tools. The speaker lineup for 2017’s event will be announced early this month.
The 2017 conference will place a greater emphasis on the African market, and will include speakers from across the continent. The conference will feature commercial success stories, brand opportunities and social impact, as well as the technology that makes it all possible.
For more, go to or email moc.acirfanoctob@ofni.