SA farmers want WTO dispute declared over EU citrus rules
Nelson Banya 4 Aug 2023
SA citrus growers say EU pest rules putting squeeze on exports
Nelson Banya 28 Jun 2023
"We have all the responses ready in terms of protocols. There are some minor things we wish to review with the Thai authorities but we are hopeful there will be no major differences in what they want and what we are prepared to go along with," said Citrus Growers Association chief executive officer Justin Chadwick, adding that exports would be mainly grapefruits and oranges, which are better than lemons and soft citrus at withstanding cold sterilisation treatments necessary for shipment.
Chadwick told The Fresh Fruit Portal that Thai authorities were responding positively to most of South Africa's Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries' (DAFF) requests following receipt of the first draft protocol. Although initially exports will be on a modest level, he is very pleased about the new relationship. "It allows us to diversify and takes some pressure of other markets as well," Chadwick said. Thailand is able to produce citrus fruit for most of the year but because of a temperate climate with lack of cold snaps the fruit remains green even when ripe.
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