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Backseat Peachy Keen bingo

1950s' throwback rockabilly swing band Peachy Keen certainly live up to their name. It's impossible not to feel a happy stirring in your soul and feet when experiencing this band live. Luckily, if you have yet to experience this rockabilly stir you can do so at their EP launch this Friday at Mercury Live. We chat to singer/rhythm guitarist powerhouse Dominique Otto about what we can expect from the launch (sounds like it's going to be a cracker), new EP "Backseat Bingo" and about not getting lost in translation.

Can you tell us about the new EP "Backseat Bingo"?
"Backseat Bingo" is an upbeat, energetic five-track EP with catchy singalong melodies that complement the toe-tapping tunes. It's an honest album, from the heart, and most people will find it easy to relate to and sing along to the songs.

Backseat Peachy Keen bingo

What was the recording process like?

We recorded "Backseat Bingo" at Cedric Samson's studio, TreeHouses, in Hout Bay, Cape Town. We tracked eight songs over three days and decided to keep what we thought were the best five out of eight. We grafted really hard over those three days and had a great time. Cedric was really enthusiastic about our music and made sure that the energy was creative and energetic throughout our time there. We tracked everything "live" to give the recording that old-school 50s' feel and sound. The sound is not over produced at all.

Are you excited about the launch at Mercury? What can fans expect on the night?

We are extremely excited about our launch at Mercury. We have tweaked our set quite a bit to give it that extra "pazow" on the night. We have guest artists joining us on stage, two great supporting acts and Mercury is going to be transformed into a 50's swinging club! Another great thing to look forward to on the night is the Sailor Jerry photo booth, where fans will be able to get there photos taken in a "diner"-style setting - some memorabilia to keep after the show. It's going to be a gig to remember, no doubt.

What have been some of your peachy keen highlights?

Highlights for the band so far have been getting booked for every big festival (including Splashy Fen 2011) so far since we debuted. Playing New Year's Eve right before the countdown (and Hog Hoggidy Hog) to a crowd of a few thousand people, getting acquainted with, and playing with, some fantastic local artists and, more recently, signing our first record deal with Sheer Music.

If Peachy Keen could be characterised as an animal, what would it be and why?

Haha! I think if Peachy Keen were to be characterized as an animal, we would probably be a puppy. I think we'd be a puppy because we are energetic, optimistic, playful, cute to look at ;) easy to get along with and are sometimes clumsy and do stupid shit, although aren't stupid! Also because puppies still have a lot of growing to do - and we are very aware of the amount of growing and learning we still have to do ... but just wait till we grow up into a massive dog! :P

Photo by Hendrik Hviid
Photo by Hendrik Hviid
Photo by Hendrik Hviid
Photo by Hendrik Hviid

In your Facebook bio it states: "Peachy Keen is Cape Town's answer to 'What will save us from all this terrible Indie music and all these effing Bellville bands taking over?'" Is this a (tongue in cheek?) sentiment you still hold and what is your take on the whole Bellvile music movement?

I think that tongue-in-cheek statement was made right in the beginnings of Peachy Keen, as we were aware of the rise in popularity for indie bands and Bellville rock bands. I think what it was trying to point out is that Peachy Keen is very different to what was popular at the time. I think a lot of bands get wrapped up in making the music they write too overly complicated and it ends up being lost in translation. We made a band that is accessible to everyone, isn't overly complicated or contrived, and has raw, unproduced energy. For the record, we have nothing against Indie bands or people from Bellville!

We love the latest Thelma and Lousie-style music video for Shot A Man Down. Can you tell us a little bit more out the concept and process?

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. We wanted to convey a feeling of "femme fatale" to go along with the chorus and storyline of the song "I shot a man down", but didn't want actually to act out an entire story, because none of us are actors, it might have come across as quite cheesy. It's basically us two girls, who have kidnapped a guy from a bar where Peachy Keen was playing (because he had "wandering" eyes and was getting a bit too familiar with us) and decide to give him a bit of a rough time. Tying him up, teasing him with a cutthroat knife, that kinda thing. You never really know what happens to him though - watch out boys! We shot the video at various locations around Cape Town. Sins of Style tattoo parlour and Club Voom Voom were two of the great locations that we were fortunate enough to use (thank you guys!) We got to drive an Austin Heavy, which was awesome! We shot the video over two days with director Ian Morgan and his fab crew. We are super stoked with how it came out.

What's next for Peachy Keen?

Big things! We want to tour a whole lot more; we are about to do a new music video, we would like to have a full-length album out by the end of the year and, hopefully, just keep on playing bigger and better shows!

Quick Qs
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the following words:

Bananas: In pyjamas
Shotguns: Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid
Freedom: Nelson Mandela
Polka dots: Swing dresses

Catch Peachy Keen's "Backseat Bingo" EP launch, with support bands Nomadic Orchestra and Rambling Bones, on Friday, 11 May, 2012, at Mercury Live in Cape Town.

Entrance is R40 (or R100 with an EP) and doors open at 9pm.

Click here to stand the chance to win 2 tickets.

Check Peachy Keen on Facebook and Twitter for more info.

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