Zambia's agriculture in spotlight at Agritech Expo
"There is no doubt that Zambia is the rising star of African agriculture with the potential to feed more than just the region," says Agritech Expo's programme director, Amore Swart. "We are excited to partner with the Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) on this event and are also honoured that we will have a ministerial opening address, focusing on the future of farming in Zambia. The agri-community will hear first-hand the government's plans to develop Zambia's resources to further stimulate growth in this sector."
Agricultural diversification
"We aim to be a practical and relevant event focused on the real challenges faced by the farmer in Zambia. For example, agricultural diversification has been a hot topic for several years and we have assembled a dynamic group of experts to discuss how to approach diversification from a rural and commercial point of view. Financing in agriculture is another sensitive issue which will be addressed in our conference programme," Swart says.
The expo component of Agritech Expo is just as practical and hands-on, says event director Liam Beckett. "It is a full-scale, live agriculture event - from first-hand demonstrations of the latest in large scale agricultural machinery to live crop trials. We want visitors to really be able to get their hands dirty and be able to experience what is on offer."
Increasing crop yields
One of the greatest challenges facing farmers across Africa is maximising the potential of their arable land by increasing crop yields. Average crop yields across Zambia are 1.5 tons per hectare where there is potential to achieve in excess of 4 tons per hectare. Set on a 24ha site at the GART Research Centre in Chisamba, Agritech Expo has seven live crop trials taking place at the event.
The fields were planted in November 2013 and will be ready in April 2014. The crop trials will give visitors a first-hand opportunity to see the effects of agrochemicals on crop growth and development. The outdoor expo will also feature agrochemicals, financial services, irrigation and livestock stands.
The expo is free to attend for all agricultural professionals who pre-register, or arrive with an event ticket. Go to for more information.