SA food and beverages income up
This was due to an increase of 4.3% in income from food sales. This increase was partially offset by decreases of 16.9% in income from bar sales and 7.8% in other income.
The increase in total income for the first quarter was mainly due to increases reported by takeaway and fast-food outlets (8.1%) and restaurants and coffee shops (1.0%). There was a decrease of 16.6% and 1.3% in other catering services, Stats SA noted.
However, total income for March 2009 decreased by 5.3% compared to March 2008, the first negative year-on-year growth since the start of the survey. The main contributor to the decrease was takeaway and fast-food outlets (-3.1 percentage points).
The survey is conducted monthly among public and private enterprises involved in the preparation of meals and drinks for immediate consumption in South Africa. It covers restaurants and coffee shops, takeaway and fast-food outlets, caterers and other catering services.
The purpose of the survey is to monitor trends in the food and beverages industry.
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