Western Cape budget allocations face cut backs, unless...
This is the message of Premier of the Western Cape, Alan Winde.
He today sounded the alarm that budget allocations for the Western Cape look set to be cut.
These are allocations that would, otherwise, be directed through the Provincial Equitable Share, and other allocations and resources raised nationally.
"There will be fewer resources available to deliver services in the future, which could impact each and every resident," Winde says.
The reason, stresses Winde, is the low census count in the Western Cape with fewer than expected residents playing their part and getting counted.
"If it stays this way, we will be perceived to have a lower population than we actually have, despite significant population growth. Winde says.
Budget constraints will impact residents directly for years to come, he added.
1/4�� I am sounding the alarm that the Western Cape is lagging far, far behind the rest of the country in the 2022 census count. The count is conducted by Statistics South Africa. pic.twitter.com/ez8bwiNCQx
— Premier Alan Winde (@alanwinde) April 26, 2022
The statistics speak for themselves
According to StatsSA, those counted in the Western Cape stand at approximately 55.5%, while the average number counted in the country
stands at 87%.
"This is especially concerning given that we have just four days left until the extended count comes to an end on 30 April 2022," Winde says.
"I therefore urgently call on residents to play their part and get counted as soon as possible.
"The truth is that we are already not happy with our budget allocation from National and have often fought for more resources given the population changes we have experienced over the last 10 years.
"We are already facing a difficult economic climate, many are struggling to put food on the table and as a Provincial Government, we are also facing budget constraints. We cannot afford to lose another cent through an inaccurate count.
"This is our opportunity to finally accurately reflect on that change."
For information on getting counted visit: https://getcounted.statssa.gov.za/#!/home