Bayer develops new insecticide mixture useful for malaria control
Named Fludora Fusion, this first IRS based on two active ingredients is intended to provide an effective solution to help African disease control programmes address the challenge of insecticide resistance in malaria-transmitting mosquitoes. Field testing of the product has shown excellent results against many different kinds of resistant mosquitoes and strong performance across a wide range of surfaces. Bayer foresees the WHOPES evaluation and testing process to take about two years and anticipates market availability of the product by the end of 2017.
"We have been able to draw upon experience from other pest control situations, including agriculture, where mixtures have been shown to be very effective in situations where insecticide resistance is present", said Frederic Schmitt, Global Project Manager Vector Control at Bayer CropScience's Environmental Science Division. "This will be the first new mode of action introduced to malaria vector control in more than 20 years."
Vector control of malaria-transmitting mosquitoes critical
Malaria is one of the leading causes of infant mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa and a significant barrier to economic development. Vector control of malaria-transmitting mosquitoes remains critical to the success of its elimination. However, insecticide resistance in mosquitoes against the currently used insecticides threatens the significant gains made in the fight against the disease in the last 15 years. Commonly, resistance is managed by rotation of alternative modes of action, but, unfortunately there are currently only four insecticide classes available for malaria vector control, which limits potential management strategies.
"Given the current situation with insecticide resistance, any new insecticide is precious and must be introduced in a way which gives it the best possible chance of remaining useful for malaria control programmes for the long-term", added Justin McBeath, Market Segment Manager Malaria Vector Control at Environmental Science. "In Fludora Fusion we took the decision to pair it up with an unrelated mode of action as a two-way mixture. Used in conjunction with an integrated vector management approach, we think it will continue to be a valuable tool long into the future."