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SA's first bi-monthly radio audience figures released
SAARF's contractor, Nielsen Media Research, compared the figures from three different methodologies - the multi-medium radio and TV diary methodology from RAMS® 2002; the 'radio only' diary from 2003; and the flooding diary of 2004. The results of this comparison are clear - despite the new methodology, SAARF RAMS® 2004 (first wave) does not set a new radio listenership benchmark, and users can therefore continue to track and trend audiences across past surveys.
Average day individual station audiences are comparable with the previous diary (SAARF RAMS® 2003B), with audience movements largely in line with previous trends. Monday to Friday levels are similar to the radio/TV diary of 2002. Average daily listenership has however, decreased over the previous period, and weekend listening is significantly higher than the 2002 radio/TV diary.
Changes were seen with time spent listening, which decreased by 4% due to the new methodology. This is however, substantially less than the 15% drop-off experienced in Australia when this methodology was first employed. Time spent listening remains 18% higher however, than the multi-medium diary of 2002.
From 2004, SAARF will release six RAMS® surveys a year, which employ a new methodology known as flooding. In metros, cities and large towns, additional diaries are placed with all adults in the household (16+ years), to a maximum of eight 'additionals'. In previous surveys, only one person per household was given a diary. The primary respondent provides the demographic details required for all the other members.
In this first wave, 12.6% of households completed only one diary, 38.5% had a primary diary keeper plus one other, 22.4% had two additional diary keepers, and 15.4% completed a primary plus three diaries. The average number of diaries completed per household was 2.81.
The rural component is not flooded, and is pulled from the previous six-month AMPS® survey (AMPS® July-Nov 2003).
Time spent listening is:
The demographic profile of listeners has also remained unchanged, despite the introduction of flooding. Many profiles have proven to be very similar, at times even identical. Users will therefore be analysing the same demographic picture as in previous surveys. For instance:
16-24 | 25-34 | LSM 6 | LSM 8 | |
RAMS® 2003B ('radio-only' diary) | 28.1% | 25.5% | 13.7% | 6.1% |
Flooded diary 2004 | 27.9% | 25.6% | 14.4% | 6.0% |
Technical data:
152 stations were read, with 134 qualifying to be reported. Data was gathered from a sample of 16 037 diaries, 12 443 of which were placed in large urban households.
The second bi-monthly SAARF RAMS® survey will be released on 13 July, 2004.
While incidence of radio listening is down on the previous period (the 'radio-only' diary), the radio arena remains stable in terms of listener profiles, thus providing users with a comparable view of the medium over the past years.
Past 7 days: Listenership is 90.8%, which is down significantly from 92% in the previous period, but up slightly on the 90.6% of the multi-medium diary of 2002. Downward profile shifts were seen in metros, Gauteng, Johannesburg, Vaal, amongst males, 16-24 year-olds, and in LSM 9.
Monday to Friday: also down significantly on the previous period, to 77.9% from 79.9%. As with the past 7 day figure however, this figure appears to be returning to the incidence levels seen in the multi-medium radio/TV diary of 2002. Monday to Friday listening is down in metros, Gauteng, East London, Johannesburg, and amongst males, 16-24 year-olds, and LSM 6-7.
Saturday and Sunday incidence has declined significantly over the previous period, but is up significantly on the combined radio/TV diary of 2002. Saturday listenership is at 74.7%, down from 76.2% in the previous period, but up from the 72.9% seen in the 2002 multi-medium diary. The decline over 2003 is seen in metros, East London, Johannesburg, and the Vaal, and amongst males, 16-34, and LSM 5-6.
Sunday has a penetration of 73.1%, down from the 75.2% of the previous period, but up on the 70.9% of the combined diary. Profile shifts over 2003 include declines in metros, KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, the Vaal, males and females, 16-24, and in LSM 9-10.
On a station level, listenership figures are very comparable despite the change in methodology, with few significant increases or decreases coming through. Four stations showed significant changes over the previous RAMS® period (2003B):
1. KAYA-FM 95.9 achieved a significant increase in past 7 day listening, continuing its upward trending. The station now has a national penetration of 4% (1.194-million listeners), up from 3.1%. This growth was seen amongst females, on the Reef, and in the 25-34 and LSM 6-7 groups, as well as on Saturdays. Kaya's upward trending Monday to Friday listenership (from 1.1% in 2002 to 1.7%, or 516 000 currently) is seen specifically amongst females, and in LSM 7.
2. A significant drop was seen in METRO FM's Monday to Friday listenership, which declined from 10.9% in the previous survey, to 10% (2.97-million) in the current survey. This decline occurred in cities and large towns, in the North West, amongst males, and 16-24 year-olds. The station showed no significant change in total listenership (past 7 days), although there was a fall off of audience in cities and large towns, and in the 16-34 age group.
3. P4 KZN 99.5fm has grown its audience from 1.7% in the previous survey, to 2.1% (635 000) on a national level (past 7 days). This growth was seen in Durban, Pietermaritzburg, amongst females, and 35+. Monday to Friday listening is up in Pietermaritzburg, trending up from 0.6% in 2002 to 1.1% currently.
4. Ukhozi FM showed a significant decline in its Monday to Friday audience, down from 16.6% in SAARF RAMS® 2003B to 15.3% (4.559-million). This decline was seen in metros, in Gauteng and Durban, in the 16-34 age group, and in LSM 4. Past 7 day listenership is stable, but has a number of profile shifts - up in LSM 6+, and down in metros, Gauteng, Johannesburg, LSM 4, and on Saturdays and Sundays.
Profile shifts:
Developing trends (radio/TV diary 2002 versus flooded diary 2004):
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