Minister orders agency to probe Durban realtor
The Human Settlements Department on Tuesday, 5 January, said the minister has instructed the EAAB to report to her as soon as possible on the allegations, as well the action, that can be taken against Sparrow.
"... A meeting is confirmed for today with relevant role players, including the owners of the franchise Penny Sparrow is employed as an agent," said the department.
On Sunday, Sparrow unleashed a social media storm when she refereed to black people who had gathered at Durban beaches on New Year's Day as "monkeys". Sparrow was so annoyed that she vowed "from now on I shall address the blacks of South Africa as monkeys as I see the cute little wild monkeys do the same pick drop and litter".
Sparrow also spoke on radio and said she apologised only because her former boss called her and asked her to do so.
The department said all estate agents are required to register with the EAAB in order to legally practice as estate agents, the registration is in terms of the EAAB Act, all applicable regulations and other laws.