News South Africa

Free Speak2aScientist talk on the 'Higgs-like boson... where to from here'

In a special Speak-to-a-Scientists talk, sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry and South African Chemical Institute, Professor Simon Connell, lead particle physicist of the UJ-Atlas group will provide insight into the 'Discovery Machine', give an update and look at what may still be discovered.

The Discovery Machine is the largest ever experiment on earth, a ring shaped underground laboratory with a 27km circumference near Geneva, which discovered the Higgs-like Boson on 4 July 2012. It is designed to tackle issues like the Higgs Boson, higher dimensions, mini-black holes, super-forces, Grand Unification and the state of matter that may have existed a few millionths of a second after the Big Bang.

The free talk will take place on Monday 18 March 2013 at 6pm at the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre, Newtown, Johannesburg. To attend, RSVP az.oc.onob-ics@tsitneicsaotkaeps or call Refilwe Pico at +27 (0)11 639 8448.

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