Pop-up retail space launched at Nelson Mandela Square
The pop-up retail space launched with four current Nelson Mandela Square tenants in a crafted space that reflects the centre's exclusivity and combines it with an industrial atmosphere. Tailored containers house the participating tenants for the duration. Each container will be specifically fitted and crafted to the tenant's needs. The temporary retail space is designed to complement and blend into the backdrop of the refurbishment process that is currently underway.
Throughout the three months, the merchants trading on the square will change periodically to host a combination of current tenants, guest tenants and new retail brands confirmed to trade once the centre's refurbishment has been completed. In addition, various activations and entertainment will take place at Merchants on the Square at regular intervals over the three-month period.
New retail brands
"Merchants on the Square provides the opportunity for our tenants affected by the refurbishment process to continue to trade and service their regular patrons. At the same time it provides Nelson Mandela Square with an opportunity to showcase new retail brands and allows them to connect with our customers whilst the area undergoes its rejuvanation," said Julie Hillary, GM of Nelson Mandela Square.
To find out more about Merchants on the Square and the brands trading over the three-month period like Nelson Mandela Square on Facebook or go to www.nelsonmandelasquare.co.za.
Merchants on the Square forms part of centre's extensive refurbishment that is set to be completed towards the end of 2015.