Preparing educators for new terrain in advertising
“There has been a distinct movement towards new media and the interactive model at advertising agencies worldwide, yet students are not necessarily being taught to these changes,” says Mary Warlick, CEO, The One Club.
“We have taken the initiative and recognised the need to bridge the gap between the professionals and the educators so that graduates will be able to function in the real world of advertising.
Over the course of the two day summit, chief industry creatives, including Jan Leth, chief creative officer, Ogilvy and Brian Collins, former chairman and CCO, B.I.G, will present to the attending educators from colleges and portfolio schools who share a passion for teaching creative advertising and seek inspiration for improving their curriculums.
“The pace of change has accelerated beyond the expectations of anyone in the industry or academia, requiring a new skill set for incoming creatives,” says Leth. “It is vital for schools to amend their programs to include real training to account for the impact that digital is having on advertising.”
For a schedule of the programmes at The One Club's Education Summit, including biographies of participants, go to