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"Learners often don't have the available resources to make these crucial subject and schooling decisions," comments Patti McDonald, Avusa Education publisher.
"For example, a high school student might take Maths Literacy rather than Mathematics, which makes it almost impossible for them to enter university, even if they don't plan to study for a science-based degree. And, even if they don't plan to attend university, FET colleges still have specific entry requirements which they need to meet."
The supplement will also contain essential information on careers in different sectors, personality traits for specific careers and a list of institutions where learners can study for specific trades or apply for bursaries. Learners can also get handy tips on goal-setting, time-management and effective studying, while reading inspirational success stories of industry leaders and columns by lecturers and human resource managers.
"We know that matriculants and graduates are battling to find work, yet there are skills that the country desperately needs," comments Margaret Harris, primary author of the supplement.
"If we can encourage learners to follow careers in these areas, we can make them more employable and also help the country fill the skills gap. We need to educate our youth for the future, before it's too late."