#MusicExchange: Tyler Page releases new single, "Kill All The Heroes"
The song is about the current vibe in the world and the anxiety most (especially young) people feel but try to hide. The distrust for super-wealthy geriatrics who run the world claiming to be the heroes that we need when their only real qualification is an ability to accumulate great wealth. A lot of people in the world are disillusioned and cynical about the true intentions of these wealthy ‘heroes’.
Retirement will happen when:
I decide it will happen. I want to be successful throughout my life and I don’t want anything to stop me, not even my age.
Fame is:
Having that platform not to abuse it, but to spread awareness and give back to the world.
I don’t do:
Selfishness. I always put people before myself.
What does music mean to you?
Music means peace to me. I feel content when I listen to music or sing. It’s the only way I can escape.
My music is about:
It’s about real-life things. Things that are happening right now all around the world.
Most enjoyable aspect of my work:
This would definitely be being in studio. It's really a place where I can be myself.
Most treasured possession:
My little ukulele! It got me to where I am today and I would never give it away! I also have a little bracelet on my wrist that I never take off, it holds so much meaning to me.
Dream gig to do:
My dream gig to do would definitely be to open for a huge artist like Billie Eilish in front of thousands and thousands.
What makes you stand out?
I can come off shy but I’m just a good listener.
TyTy, Pagie, Ty, T, Grub (from my dad).
If I weren’t a musician, what would I do:
The psychology route or someone who takes care of animals, my love for animals is overwhelming. Either a vet, go into rehabilitation or even shelter work.
Five words to describe yourself:
Loyal, goofy, caring, loving and creative.
Song you must do in every show:
“Don’t Believe the Aliens”; my first ever song to come out and it’s just so special to me.
Favourite word:
Pantoffels. It’s an Afrikaans word that means slippers in English but I just love the word I really don’t know why.
Favourite fashion garment:
My boots. They just make me feel so powerful.
Slang and what it means:
A laaitie - basically a kid, someone young.
Greatest achievement:
Never in my life would I have ever thought I would be with a record label, producing and releasing music. It’s still so insane to me and it’s starting to feel like a dream come true.
What do you complain about most often?
I don’t really complain, but a lot of the time I get really bad road rage; my dad says there’s no point, but I have to let it out.
Your fear:
Bees. You will never see me run away from something faster than from a bee.
Would love to co-write with:
RJ Benjamin.
Where do you go for inspiration to create?
My room is just myself and my ukulele.
Where would you like to be right now?
I’ve dreamt of releasing my own music since I was younger and now I’m signed to Bad Future Records and have two singles released.
Wishes and dreams:
To get to a place in my life and just give back to my family and the world. I’d love to buy my parents a house and give back to the shelters of the world.
Social media:
Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud | YouTube