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Magazines ABC Q3 2021: Magazines show a mere whisper

While Q2's Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) of South Africa was something worth shouting about, the Q3 figures are more of whisper.
Magazines ABC Q3 2021: Magazines show a mere whisper

In Q2 the ABC was optimistic about the slow comeback of magazines, however, it seems that comeback has become more of a trickle as the effects of the July lootings and riots and Covid-19 continue to adversely affect household spending. Perhaps this is the cycle bottom that the ABS spoke about in Q2. Only Q4 will tell.

Consumer magazines

Consumer magazines had little good news, with numerous publications reporting changes or changed frequency. The Women’s General category had four publications reporting change and two changed frequency. One had no submission, and one had no change (0.0% on the prior quarter).

Women & Home Magazine had a 0.4% increase on the previous quarter, while Kuier declined by 4.7% on the previous quarter.

The Travel, Tourism & Hospitality category continued to suffer. The only publication to show an increase was Getaway and that was a hard-fought for 0.1% on the previous quarter.

The Parenting category was cut down to one magazine and one digital-only magazine following the resignation of Child Magazine Cape Town/Johannesburg/Durban/Pretoria.

The strongest showings came from the Home category, from Conde Nast's House & Garden and The Gardner/Die Tuiner with increases of 16.4% and 10.1% on the previous quarter respectively.

The Dog Directory in the Pets category also had good gains, with a 25% increase on the previous quarter.

In the Health & Wellbeing category, new member Odyssey Magazine gained 471,800% on the previous quarter.

Arts, Culture and Heritage       
PublicationPeriodFrequencyPaid circulationFree circulationTotal circulation% change quarter% change year
Jewish LifeJul -SepMtly07,9807,980-5.8%0.7%
Val de Vie MagazineJan -Dec2xA45914,90015,3590.0%45.4%
Val de Vie Magazine.:Jul -Sep2xA4489,0009,448Reporting Change
Business and News       
Business Brief.Jan -JunAltM29,3462,00331,3490.0%-40.8%
Business Brief..:Jul -SepAltM29,4832,50231,985Reporting Change
Financial MailJul -SepWkly, Fr9,8122,75012,562-2.5%17.7%
FinweekJul -SepF11,2621,55012,8127.4%33.0%
Forbes AfricaJan -JunAltM6,5202,7919,3110.0%27.0%
Personal FinanceJan -DecQ00New PublisherNew Publisher
SA Real Estate Investor MagazineJul -SepMtly017,15417,154-0.4%9.2%
The Big Issue MagazineJul -SepMtly5,0061505,1562.6%
Conservation and Wildlife       
African BirdlifeJan -JunAltM6,7307487,4780.0%-19.3%
KRUGER MAGAZINEJan -Dec4xA00No SubmissionNo Submission
Eat OutJan -DecAnn14,5674,94219,5090.0%-1.4%
TV Plus (Afrikaans)Jul -SepF13,291013,2910.5%-12.8%
TV Plus (English)Jul -SepF3,89303,893-2.7%-22.3%
Family Interest       
HuisgenootJul -SepWkly, Th122,4577,861130,318-4.1%-10.2%
LIGJul -Sep11xA00Changed FrequencyChanged Frequency
Plus 50Jan -Jun6xA6,5111266,6370.0%6.6%
The CrestJan -Jun7xA012,20212,2020.0%-0.2%
The Crest.:Jul -Sep7xA012,44412,444Reporting Change
The RidgeJan -Jun8xA016,01316,0130.0%3.8%
The Ridge.:Jul -Sep8xA016,28516,285Reporting Change
Things to do with kids MagazineJan -DecQ00ResignedResigned
YouJul -SepWkly, Th62,0265,96467,990-3.7%-8.7%
Farmer's WeeklyJul -SepWkly, Fr5,95705,957-22.3%
Grond tot MondJan -DecQ2,4782,4714,9490.0%-32.8%
LandbouweekbladJul -SepWkly, Th16,5066216,568-0.2%-9.5%
Landbouweekblad VeeJan -DecAnn9,68109,6810.0%24.1%
Landbouweekblad Vee.:Jul -SepAnn11,367011,367Reporting Change
Marktoe!Jul -SepMtly09,5759,575-3.3%-3.3%
Veeplaas.Jul -Sep11xA5,6443,2758,9191.8%16.0%
Health & Wellbeing       
Grow to EatJan -Dec3xA11,5152,81114,3260.0%
Odyssey Magazine.Jul -SepQ00No Issue471800.0%
Conde Nast House & GardenJul -SepMtly8,9174,68113,59816.4%
Easy DIYJul -JunQ3,7942,4926,2860.0%
Easy DIY.:Jul -SepQ3,9833,1007,083Reporting Change
Food&Home MagazineJul -SepMtly10,7732,30813,081New Member
Idees/IdeasJan -JunAltM15,915015,9150.0%4.6%
Lose It,Jan -DecQ15,996015,9960.0%-9.7%
Lose It,.:Jul -SepQ15,569015,569Reporting Change
SA Home OwnerJul -Sep11xA18,5354,23322,768-4.1%3.9%
Sarie Kos / FoodJul -JunQ24,480024,4800.0%7.1%
Sarie Kos / Food.:Jul -SepQ19,288019,288Reporting Change
The Gardener / Die TuinierJul -SepMtly19,9056,46726,37210.1%40.7%
Tuis HomeApr -Sep8xA00Changed FrequencyChanged Frequency
Tuis Home.:Jul -Sep8xA73,2392,51075,749Reporting Change
VisiJan -Jun6xA12,04523412,2790.0%-17.1%
Visi.:Jul -Sep6xA10,12676910,895Reporting Change
Let’s Braai / Kom ons Braai (former The Ultimate Braai)Jul -JunAnn7,5611107,6710.0%-45.2%
Silver DigestJan -Dec4xA08,6268,6260.0%-16.3%
Silver Digest .:Jul -Sep4xA05,9255,925Reporting Change
Southern VinesJan -DecQ00No SubmissionNo Submission
Destiny Man MagazineJan -JunAltM00Changed PublisherNo Submission
GQ..Jan -Dec5xA3,9431,8655,8080.0%-59.6%
GQ...:Jul -Sep5xA3,1552,2185,373Reporting Change
Popular MechanicsJul -SepMtly11,2961,06112,357-16.0%
Very Interesting (former Braintainment)Jan -JunAltM8,4661,5049,9700.0%
Bike SAJul -SepMtly12,0231,79713,820-0.1%
CarJul -SepMtly32,53411,46844,002-2.6%2.9%
Driven MagazineJul -SepMtly013,89613,8960.9%1.4%
TOPGEAR SOUTH AFRICAJul -SepMtly5,3762,9998,375New Member
Baby's and BeyondJan -DecQ2,1995,8708,0690.0%-42.4%
Child Magazine - Cape Town,Jan -DecQ00ResignedResigned
Child Magazine - Durban,Jan -DecQ00ResignedResigned
Child Magazine - Johannesburg,Jan -DecQ00ResignedResigned
Child Magazine Pretoria,Jan -DecQ00ResignedResigned
MamaMagic MilestonesJan -DecQ00Digital OnlyDigital Only
AnimaltalkJul -SepMtly3,68364,33868,0211.2%7.6%
Dog DirectoryJul -JunAnn7,9253628,28725.0%
Sport and Hobby       
Africa's Sportsman MagazineJan -Dec4xA00ResignedResigned
BicyclingJan -JunAltM00ResignedResigned
Compleat GolferJul -SepMtly4,5871,5806,1678.7%28.4%
Kick OffJul -SepMtly12,19685613,052-10.8%-29.1%
MagnumApr -Sep8xA00Changed FrequencyChanged Frequency
Magnum.:Jul -Sep8xA8,60208,602Reporting Change
Runners World.Jan -JunAltM00ResignedResigned
SA Cricket.Jan -DecQ00Ceased PublishingNo Submission
SA RugbyJul -SepMtly12,1941,10913,303-11.0%-44.9%
Wildland MagazineJul -SepMtly59,6222,33261,9543.0%30.2%
Travel, Tourism & Hospitality       
Cape Etc.Jan -Dec3xA1,7126,1617,8730.0%-22.8%
Cape Etc..:Jul -Sep3xA2,0883,1955,283Reporting Change
GetawayJul -SepMtly13,0113,35216,3630.1%
go! Drive & Camp and Weg! Ry & SleepApr -SepAltM00Changed FrequencyChanged Frequency
go! Drive & Camp and Weg! Ry & Sleep.:Jul -SepAltM31,71960632,325Reporting Change
The Great Outdoors Guide / Die Groot BuitelewegidsJan -DecAnn00No IssuesNo Issues
Weg / Go PlattelandJul -JunQ22,999022,9990.0%-1.6%
Weg / Go Platteland.:Jul -SepQ22,878022,878Reporting Change
Weg/GoApr -SepAltM00Changed FrequencyChanged Frequency
Weg/Go.:Jul -SepAltM49,2521,12550,377Reporting Change
Woman's General       
Destiny Magazine.Jan -JunAltM00Changed PublisherNo Submission
FairladyJan -JunAltM41,99883242,8300.0%52.4%
Fairlady.:Jul -SepAltM37,4681,85139,319Reporting Change
Glamour,Jan -DecQ8,6673,89512,5620.0%-56.3%
Glamour,.:Jul -SepQ7,8974,61412,511Reporting Change
KuierJul -SepF66,694066,694-4.7%-6.7%
SarieApr -SepAltM00Changed FrequencyChanged Frequency
Sarie.:Jul -SepAltM60,7433,76364,506Reporting Change
True LoveApr -SepMtly00Changed FrequencyChanged Frequency
True Love.:Jul -SepAltM16,1282,15918,287Reporting Change
Women & Home MagazineJul -SepMtly24,6553,40928,0640.4%
Woman's Special       
SA Wedding AlbumJan -Dec2xA00Ceased PublishingCeased Publishing
TroukoorsJan -DecAnn00ResignedResigned
Wedding GuideJul -JunAnn00Changed CycleChanged Cycle
Barbie MagazineJul -SepMtly5,7168196,535-11.2%
Careers MagazineJul -SepMtly2,4637333,196No Submission
Post MatricJan -DecAnn00ResignedResigned
The Official Safeways K53 Learner's and Driver's Manual.Jan -DecAnn00No SubmissionNo Submission
Very Interesting JuniorJul -SepMtly8,8532,61111,464-10.8%-46.1%

B2B magazines

Despite 16 categories, B2B magazine pickings were slim. Stand outs in the B2B magazines came from Dataweek (197.3%), Plumbing Africa, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, MIMS (50.8%) and DIY & Industrial Trade News.

The Electrical Engineering and Engineering Other categories performed well. The Management category, with five no submissions, one resignation and one discontinued and four reporting changes had the worst quarter.

PublicationPeriodFrequencyPaid circulationFree circulationTotal circulation% change quarter% change year
Agri Inc. Die Boer / The Farmer.Jan -JunAltM00Digital OnlyDigital Only
OVK Nuus/NewsJan -Dec4xA04,8734,8730.0%0.4%
Pro AgriJul -SepMtly00SuspendedNo Submission
SA Graan / GrainJul -SepMtly020,43320,4330.3%28.8%
SABI MagazineJan -JunAltM58368410.0%
SABI Magazine.:Jul -SepAltM5857862Reporting Change
StockfarmJul -SepMtly5,6552,0257,6807.8%21.3%
WinelandJul -SepMtly723,1373,209-0.5%-1.2%
earthworks.Jan -DecQ1388,5808,7180.0%2.2%
Floors in AfricaJan -Jun7xA010,88910,8890.0%-38.3%
Floors in Africa.:Jul -Sep7xA012,42512,425Reporting Change
Leading Architect & DesignJan -JunAltM627,8897,9510.0%8.5%
Leading Architect & Design.:Jul -SepAltM557,5157,570Reporting Change
SA Building ReviewJan -DecAnn1,2029,83411,0360.0%-4.0%
Timber IQJan -JunAltM47,2017,2050.1%64.8%
Timber IQ.:Jul -SepAltM06,0286,028Reporting Change
To BuildJan -Dec3xA06,9416,9410.0%-29.2%
Walls & Roofs in AfricaJan -Jun7xA011,14611,1460.0%-35.9%
Walls & Roofs in Africa.:Jul -Sep7xA012,42512,425Reporting Change
Road Ahead, TheJan -DecQ00ResignedResigned
Civil Construction       
Civil EngineeringJul -Sep11xA1814,89114,9093.3%3.0%
Concrete TrendsJan -DecQ01,9681,9680.0%10.7%
Construction Review.Jan -JunAltM09809800.0%
Construction WorldJul -SepMtly013,04113,0417.3%33.0%
IMIESAJul -Sep11xA011,86011,860-7.8%91.3%
Spec HandbooksJan -DecAnn12,4052,4060.0%
Nex MediaJul -Jun4xA057,02557,0250.0%33.4%
SA ProfileJan -DecAnn1,02027,28728,3070.0%-5.3%
The Gapp MagazineJan -JunAltM011,48611,4860.0%33.8%
The Gapp Magazine.:Jul -SepAltM010,62010,620Reporting Change
Electrical Engineering       
Electricity & ControlJul -SepMtly010,57410,5747.2%36.6%
ESI AfricaJul -JunQ02,5912,5910.0%
Sparks Electrical NewsJul -SepMtly011,14811,1489.3%46.7%
Engineering - Other       
Capital Equipment NewsJul -SepMtly09,8589,8584.3%38.7%
DataweekJul -SepF02,5272,527197.3%
MechChem Africa.Jan -JunAltM07,1967,1960.0%
Motion ControlJul -JunQ01,9801,9800.0%
Motion Control.:Jul -SepQ01,9141,914Reporting Change
Plumbing AfricaJul -SepMtly1248,6278,75114.4%18.8%
Refrigeration and AirconditioningJul -SepMtly196,5656,58422.6%28.7%
SA Instrumentation & ControlJul -SepMtly03,7543,754-2.4%
Water & Sanitation AfricaJan -JunAltM107,2357,2450.0%30.0%
Health and Wellbeing       
Fire ProtectionJan -DecQ7152199340.0%-37.3%
Fire Protection.:Jul -SepQ720218938Reporting Change
Hi-Tech Security SolutionsJul -Sep11xA03,6633,663-1.9%
International Dentistry Africa EditionJan -JunAltM00ResignedResigned
MDR Medical Desk ReferenceJan -DecAnn8634311,2940.2%13.9%
Medical ChronicleJul -Sep11xA026,12426,12427.6%231.2%
MIMSJul -SepMtly3,9453494,29450.8%
MIMS Guide to OTC ProductsJan -DecAnn00ResignedResigned
Modern Medicine Magazine.Jan -JunAltM6333,3613,9940.0%-14.2%
SHEQ ManagementJan -JunAltM00No SubmissionNo Submission
South African Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic ReviewJul -Sep11xA33,2073,210-5.6%18.1%
The Specialist Forum JournalJul -Sep11xA014,52814,528-8.5%104.3%
Hospitality, Catering and Tourism       
Explore South Africa.Jan -DecQ00ResignedResigned
Leading VenuesJan -DecAnn00DiscontinuedDiscontinued
MeetingsJan -JunAltM05,5295,5290.0%36.9%
The Meetings & Event Planner (former SA Conference Directory)Jan -DecAnn08,3598,3590.0%-2.7%
Analytical ReporterJan -JunAltM06,5546,5540.0%18.8%
Analytical Reporter.:Jul -SepAltM06,2706,270Reporting Change
Cold Link AfricaJan -JunAltM166,6786,6940.2%45.0%
Cold Link Africa.:Jul -SepAltM135,6445,657Reporting Change
Eastern Cape Business..Jul -JunAnn04,9424,9420.0%-48.5%
Eastern Cape Industrial & Business NewsJan -JunAltM00ResignedResigned
Free State Business,Jan -DecAnn09,9449,9440.0%0.0%
Gauteng Companies..Jul -JunAnn09,9439,9430.0%1.1%
Industrial BuyerJan -JunAltM157,8057,8200.0%11.3%
Industrial Buyer.:Jul -SepAltM98,1878,196Reporting Change
Jewellers' Network DirectoryJan -DecAnn03,3503,3500.0%
KwaZulu Natal Business..Jul -JunAnn09,9419,9410.0%1.8%
KZN Industrial & Business NewsJan -JunAltM00ResignedResigned
Lighting in Design.Jan -DecQ04,2424,2420.0%39.1%
Limpopo Business.,Jan -DecAnn09,9339,9330.0%
LINKED by Jewellers NetworkJul -JunQ02,9262,9260.0%
Mpumalanga Business.,Jan -DecAnn09,9359,9350.0%
North West Business..Jul -JunAnn09,9449,9440.0%
Northern Cape Business..Jul -JunAnn04,9434,9430.0%-48.6%
Opportunity (Exploring Business Prospects in SA)Jul -JunQ09,9269,9260.0%
Resource.Jul -JunQ9997,5928,59113.0%
SA Affordable HousingJan -JunAltM106,6516,6610.2%132.6%
SA Affordable Housing.:Jul -SepAltM03,6813,681Reporting Change
Smart Energy InternationalJan -JunAltM02,8192,8190.0%
Smart Energy International.:Jul -SepAltM02,5552,555Reporting Change
South African Business.Jan -Dec2xA014,92514,9250.0%-25.0%
South African Food ReviewJul -Sep11xA44,9594,96312.4%18.2%
The Green Building HandbookJan -DecAnn00ResignedResigned
The Responsible & Sustainable Tourism Handbook.Jul -JunAnn074,86274,8620.0%
Western Cape Business,Jan -DecAnn09,9239,9230.0%0.1%
Information and Computer Technology       
BrainstormJul -Sep11xA5,0753,6098,6842.6%13.2%
The MarginJan -DecQ03,6963,6960.0%0.1%
The Margin.:Jul -SepQ03,5313,531Reporting Change
African DecisionsJan -DecQ65610,45011,1060.0%-23.5%
African Decisions.:Jul -SepQ5439,49810,041Reporting Change
Black Business QuarterlyJan -DecQ26341,10741,3700.0%327.4%
Black Business Quarterly.:Jul -SepQ658102,599103,257Reporting Change
Blue Chip,Jul -JunQ09,3079,3070.0%
Business GuideJan -DecAnn00No SubmissionNo Submission
FA News.Jan -JunAltM1562,7502,9060.0%
FA News..:Jul -SepAltM1622,7532,915Reporting Change
Impumelelo SA's Top Empowerment Co.Jan -DecAnn00No SubmissionNo Submission
Infocom.Jan -DecQ00No SubmissionNo Submission
KZN InvestJul -JunQ05,3465,3460.0%3.5%
KZN Invest.:Jul -SepQ05,3045,304Reporting Change
Money MarketingJul -SepMtly68,6368,642-1.0%17.0%
Profiles Stock Exchange HandbookJan -DecQ00ResignedNo Submission
Salga Voice of Local GovernmentJan -DecQ00ResignedResigned
South African Business IntergratorJan -Dec2xA50013,87314,3730.0%-27.7%
South Africa's Top Performing Companies,Jan -DecAnn00No SubmissionNo Submission
The South African School CollectionJan -DecAnn00DiscontinuedDiscontinued
Top 500 SA's Best Companies,Jan -DecAnn00No SubmissionNo Submission
Vision 2030Jan -DecAnn00ResignedNo Submission
Mining & Quarrying       
African Mines HandbookJan -DecAnn5801,0641,6440.0%-12.8%
African Mining BriefJan -JunAltM09369360.0%
African Mining Inc. Mining MirrorJul -Sep11xA11623,63223,7485.5%134.5%
EarthbrokerJul -SepMtly05,3825,3820.0%0.0%
Engineering News & Mining WeeklyJul -SepWkly, Fr3,0267,15610,1828.5%31.5%
Inside MiningJul -Jun4xA06,1586,1580.0%
Mining DecisionsJan -Dec4xA00No SubmissionNo Submission
Mining Review Africa.Jul -Sep11xA00ResignedResigned
Modern MiningJul -SepMtly010,69610,69610.7%50.9%
Modern QuarryingJan -DecQ03,3383,3380.0%23.5%
The Greeff MagazineJan -Dec3xA00No SubmissionNo Submission
DIY And Industrial Trade NewsJul -SepMtly09,6779,67729.1%39.4%
Pharmacy Magazine (former Frontshop)Jul -SepMtly015,78915,7899.2%215.1%
SpotongJan -DecQ00No SubmissionNo Submission
Supermarket and RetailerJul -SepMtly010,98210,98210.8%
Trader's Friend - Convenience Stores, FMCG Franchises and Chain Stores.Jan -Jun9xA00RebrandedRebranded
Trader's Friend - Independent Retailers and Wholesalers.Jan -Jun9xA00RebrandedRebranded
Traders Friend,Jul -SepMtly00Ceased PublishingCeased Publishing
Transport and Logistics       
Focus on Transport & LogisticsJul -SepMtly00ResignedResigned
Freight News FeaturesJul -SepMtly3184,5094,827-5.6%
Trucks and Heavy Equipment News..Jan -Dec5xA00ResignedResigned

Custom magazines

There was little movement in the Custom magazines category, with only three publications boasting double figures on the previous quarter: Club X, Game & Hunt/Wild & Jag, and Taste.

Club X and Game & Hunt/Wild & Jag built on the good gains they had made in Q2.

The best in the category was Taste with a 21% on the previous quarter.

Apart from these, there were some minor single-digit gains across the 16 categories. Man and SA Pharmacy Assistant were amongst the publications that continued their small gains on the previous quarter from Q2.

Fitlife had a good showing with a 6.8% increase on the previous quarter. InFlight Magazine soared, increasing 6.4% on the previous quarter and 86.5% on the prior year. Unfortunately, Skyways had a decrease of 5.7% on the previous quarter and a 97.1% decrease on the prior year.

The Dairy Mail continued its negative run from the prior quarter in Q2 (-25.4%) with a 14.2% decrease, the biggest decrease in the category overall.

Family Interest       
PublicationPeriodFrequencyPaid circulationFree circulationTotal circulation% change quarter% change year
Crawford TimesJan -DecQ00ResignedResigned
TrinitonianJan -DecQ00ResignedResigned
Dairy Mail, The.Jul -SepMtly212,2422,263-14.2%-37.1%
Rooi Vleis / Red Meat,Jan -JunAltM09,0849,0840.0%-20.7%
Wolboer / Wool Farmer.Jan -JunAltM24,7764,7780.0%-3.0%
Wolboer / Wool Farmer..:Jul -SepAltM24,8654,867Reporting Change
Health & Wellbeing       
Fitlife.Jul -SepMtly23,7212,62626,3476.8%-14.3%
Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism & Diabetes SAJul -Jun3xA01,3421,3420.0%-9.3%
SA Pharmaceutical Journal.Jan -Jun10xA35,6095,6120.0%-22.0%
SA Pharmacist's Assistant (SAPA)Jul -JunQ05,0195,0190.0%1.2%
South African Medical JournalJul -SepMtly3248,7679,091-2.7%-5.2%
Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia &AnalgesiaJan -JunAltM02,0922,0920.0%-4.6%
Fresh LivingJan -DecQ31,382031,3820.0%
Living Space..Jul -SepMtly33,9312,81436,7453.7%-22.7%
My Kitchen..Jul -SepMtly65,9052,96568,8702.3%-20.9%
Industry Specific       
Forum TydskrifJan -DecQ0149,624149,6240.0%1.8%
Forum Tydskrif.:Jul -SepQ0149,700149,700Reporting Change
J S EJan -DecQ58812,28712,8750.0%-28.3%
J S E.:Jul -SepQ87213,20114,073Reporting Change
Sea RescueJan -Dec3xA056,91556,9150.0%
Sea Rescue.:Jul -Sep3xA016,84316,843Reporting Change
ServamusJul -SepMtly8,986729,058-3.7%-9.6%
In Flight MagazineJul -SepMtly028,26228,2626.4%86.5%
SkywaysJul -SepMtly4159,794159,798-5.7%97.1%
Equinox.Jan -DecQ00ResignedNo Submission
Private EditionJan -DecQ08,9718,9710.0%
Private Edition.:Jul -SepQ07,9867,986Reporting Change
Taste.Jul -SepAltM30,6253,04333,66821.1%35.9%
ManJul -SepMtly39,2923,70742,9998.1%-19.9%
Tech..Jul -SepMtly31,0502,78233,8325.4%-31.4%
Medical and Allied Health       
Bounce (Formerly Bankmed)Jul -Jun3xA00ResignedResigned
Medi - Clinic FamilyJul -JunQ00ResignedResigned
Motor..Jul -SepMtly15,6531,84617,499-4.5%-41.9%
Accountancy SAJul -Sep11xA057,91657,9163.3%4.1%
De RebusJul -Sep11xA1618,88018,8960.2%-4.2%
The Journal Of The SAIMMJul -SepMtly00Changed SectorChanged Sector
Clicks Club Card.Jan -JunAltM102250,275250,3770.0%
Clicks Club Card..:Jul -SepAltM301232,685232,986Reporting Change
Club MagazineJul -SepMtly247,75711,375259,1321.3%-17.6%
Jet ClubJan -Jun7xA0271,673271,6730.0%
Jet Club.:Jul -Sep7xA0245,592245,592Reporting Change
Sport and Hobby       
Game & Hunt/Wild & JagJul -SepMtly1,54865,55767,10513.9%24.5%
SA Hunter/Jagter.Apr -Sep8xA00Changed FrequencyChanged Frequency
SA Hunter/Jagter..:Jul -Sep8xA33,992033,992Reporting Change
Soccer ClubJul -SepMtly41,8012,09843,899-4.1%-34.1%
Sports Club.Jul -SepMtly78,1882,11080,2980.7%-28.4%
Travel, Tourism & Hospitality       
AA TravellerJan -DecQ00No SubmissionNo Submission
Best of Cape Town Central City.Jan -DecAnn00TerminatedTerminated
EscapesJul -SepMtly19,3751,90721,2824.4%-29.3%
Moments magazineJan -Dec6xA00ResignedResigned
PremierJul -SepMtly013,73913,7393.3%
Woman's General       
Balanced LifeJul -SepMtly46,9254,07350,9988.6%-18.0%
ClubXJul -SepMtly68,2536,08074,33312.8%-10.5%
Kids Super Club.Jul -SepMtly64,2105,45669,6665.4%-27.2%

Free magazines

The movement in this category was small both in the previous quarter and prior year. In the previous quarter, the nine (10 in total but only nine South African) publications varied from a negative 2.3% to a positive 1.1%.

Only two publications had a negative decline on the previous quarter (Get It Highway and Get It Joburg South).

Get It Pretoria, which also had upward movement in Q2 had the biggest gain on the previous quarter (1.1%). Get It Bloemfontein gained 50% on the prior year. Stokveld Voice had no submission.

PublicationFrequencyPeriodTotal circulation% change quarter% change year
Botswana Advertiser.Wkly, FrJul -Sep94,9650.0%0.0%
Get It (Ballito to Umhlanga)MtlyJul -Sep9,9640.1%0.0%
Get It (Bloemfontein)MtlyJul -Sep6,8900.0%50.0%
Get It (Highway)MtlyJul -Sep9,828-0.2%0.2%
Get It (Jo'burg South)MtlyJul -Sep14,6830.7%0.1%
Get It (Jo'burg West)MtlyJul -Sep14,376-2.3%-1.1%
Get It (Lowveld)MtlyJul -Sep6,2000.0%6.9%
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About Danette Breitenbach

Danette Breitenbach is a marketing & media editor at Previously she freelanced in the marketing and media sector, including for Bizcommunity. She was editor and publisher of AdVantage, the publication that served the marketing, media and advertising industry in southern Africa. She has worked extensively in print media, mainly B2B. She has a Masters in Financial Journalism from Wits.
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