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AMPS 2002B - FMCG product data

In the wake of high inflation, South Africans are clearly putting less in their baskets. The FMCG product data of AMPS 2002B shows a large number of categories in decline, which is concerning.

The drop in usgae/purchase is not specific to any one province, and is not just in the lower LSMs, but tends to be skewed towards the LSM 1-4 population. Only two purchasing increases were seen.

On a technical note, AMPS 2002B saw the extension of 68 product categories, as questions on brand usage were added for subscribers. The number of units, as well as the categorisation into "Heavy", "Medium", "Light" by "best-thirds" for all product categories, continues to be provided on the datafile. Brand information is, however, confidential to subscribers. This includes brand information for FMCG products, motor vehicles, financial institutions, retail stores (shoes, clothing , furniture, appliances, food and groceries), and shopping centres.

The addition of brand logos to some FMCG product categories on the self-completion questionnaire, could have improved respondents' understanding of these categories, and resulted in apparent changes in usage/purchase. Such changes would not be comparable to the previous survey's results. This report therefore only mentions changes in non-branded categories.

What's up, what's down?

Thirty-eight (38) FMCG product categories (unbranded) had no significant changes. The following showed significant increases in usage/purchase level:

  • Food: Salad dressing (not mayonnaise)
  • Personal Care: Facial cream/lotion

    The following FMCG product categories (non-branded), showed significant declines in usage/purchase level:

  • Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Maas; Mageu; Cold-drinks (regular)

  • Sweets & Allied: Chewing gum; Bubble gum; Chips/crisps;

  • Foods: Fresh fruit/vegetables; Fresh milk; Biscuits (savoury); Peanut butter; Cottage cheese; Processed cheese; Fresh chicken/pieces; Fresh meat; Soya products; Fish - frozen and canned; Fruit (canned); Yellow margarine in tubs; Tomato sauce; Other bottled sauces; Flour; Baking powder

  • Personal Care: Deodorant (roll-on/stick); Shampoo (regular); Hair conditioner; Hair styling gel; Hair straighteners; Hair colourants; Toilet soap; Toothpaste (gel); Toothbrushes

  • Household products: Toilet paper; Aerosol furniture polish; Aerosol insecticides; Bleach; Shoe polish

  • Miscellaneous: Photo film (due to the rise of digital photography?)

    Source: South African Advertising Research Foundation,

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