Raw milk production increases year on year
Raw milk production in 2015 was a record 6,37% higher than in 2014. This was the result of the high production in the first ten months of 2015, as the production in the last two months of 2015 was lower than that of last two months of 2014.
In the four years from 2011 to 2015, the production of raw milk increased by 16,62% or an average of 4,16% per annum, which is much higher than the increase of 3,65% in the previous three years (2008 to 2011) or an average of 1,21% per annum.
Raw milk purchases
Considering the purchase of raw milk, data on total raw milk purchases in South Africa released by Sampro indicates that purchases from January to April 2016 and the estimated mass purchased in May and June 2016 are lower than in the same months of 2015, but higher than in the same months of 2014. – Sampro
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