New head office for Hyundai Automotive SA
Excavation on site is underway and is expected to be complete and ready for the start of construction by the end of October - which will see the building ready for occupation in August 2012.
"This new building will create a synergy between what we are trying to achieve from a brand perspective, and what is expected of us from the local economy as a growing brand - a strong capital investment into the country as well as a critically focused approach towards contributing to South Africa's green targets," says Alan Ross, CEO at Hyundai Automotive South Africa.
Green element is most important
The site covers almost 8 000m2, with a basement parking area of about 2 349m2 and a ground and first floor covering 3 720m2 - equating to a total building surface area of approximately 6 000m2. The building will also boast a fully landscaped garden, rest rooms and kitchens on each floor, a canteen and outside terrace, change rooms that will be fully equipped with showers and lockers, as well as a showroom.
However, the accredited green building element is most important for the company based on it's sense of social responsibility and the saving of South Africa's resources. There are only five 4-star green accredited buildings in South Africa. To reach this accreditation, the development will be closely monitored by the Green Building Council of South Africa because 64% of the 300 to 400 mandatory items need to be implemented during development to reach this rating.