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Bring back the cat
Briefed to create a new big brand commercial for Double Velvet, a fresh strategic and creative platform was developed, but almost immediately, consumer insight uncovered a 12-year-old nationwide memory of Plascon Double Velvet being inextricably linked to the beautiful luxurious coat of a Burmese cat.
Given the longevity of the equity and the still rich emotional territory, it made perfect strategic sense to resurrect, build upon and evolve this already established marketing heritage. And so, the creative team set about bringing back the cat.
"'Come home' is the classic tale of a cat moving from one house to another," says Creative Director Angie Collins.
"To the cat's dismay, her new house's interior walls are made of wooden panelling and exposed brick. Longing for the smooth luxurious walls of her old home, our cat escapes while no one's looking."
Shot by Tony Baggot and Frieze Films, this national tv ad is supported by Point Of Sale in hardware stores throughout the country.
And Plascon is even doing its bit for charity with a 'Friends of the Cat' collection tin made from a 1-litre tin of Double Velvet - inviting Plascon customers to donate their small change to 'Friends of the Cat' - a charity organisation dedicated to alleviating the plight of homeless, abused and abandoned cats.